The storyline spans more than 16 new locations, many from Star Wars: Episode III, including volcanic Mustafar and the space battle above Coruscant. Many maps that came from the original Battlefront were edited and improved, like the Naboo battlefield. Also included are battles from the original...
Who's Who: A Pocket Guide to the Characters of·What's What·Collector Edition 2013·Anniversary Special Other material and merchandise Star Wars Customizable Card Game:Coruscant Limited·Tatooine Limited·Theed Palace Limited Trading Card Game ...
D-L1T (Coruscant > Hangar 2046-C):After the Meditation Point, head up the small lift and go through to the next corridor. To the left is a door that you can only open with BD-1’s Electro Dart. This legendary Security Droid is inside. Frenzied Jotaz (Coruscant > Undercity Meats):Y...
Star Wars: Republic: Into the Unknown was the nineteenth story arc in the Star Wars: Republic series of comic books. It consisted of issues 79 and 80. The Clone Wars are over, but instead of triumph, it is a time of tragedy. Events have come to pass so t
Star Wars Wiki em Português Explorar Página principal Discussões Todas as páginas Comunidade Mapas interactivos Postagem de blog recentes República Galáctica Obi-Wan Kenobi Ahsoka Tano Padmé Amidala Bail Organa Coruscant Senado Galáctico ...
Gatt Medo (Coruscant > Freight Handling Depot):From the Meditation Point, continue down below and you’ll eventually enter an area with overhead conveyor belts. Inside this room, guarded by two Haxion Brood Shock Commando, is this Bounty. ...
Welcome to Star Wars - Dark Horizon's MUSH The wiki about Dark Horizons 2 Mush that anyone can edit 1,194 articles since December, 2007 Connect here! Featured article New Senator Guide If you are looking for a place where stats and numbers matter, the senate is not for you. If you...
Star Wars - The Old Republic Wiki Erkunden Hauptseite Diskutieren Alle Seiten Community Interaktive Karten Letzte Blogbeiträge Kriegsgebiete Jedi-Ritter Jedi-Botschafter Soldat Schmuggler Sith-Krieger Sith-Inquisitor Kopfgeldjäger Imperialer Agent ...
Tarkin wasn’t born in the USA). Coruscant net-imports food – a few worlds are described as being food-rich worlds taken over entirely by industrial agriculture (Ruan being the one that comes to mind for me. more detail). It definitely has some...
The Calendar, formally known as the Galactic Standard Calendar, and also referred to as Coruscant ...