I’m going to say first of all that I’m very proud of the Infinities team – we’ve put a lot of time and effort into making what we hoped would be the best possible Star Trek mod for Stellaris. The team has worked hard and long and once again impressed me with their talent and...
Star Trek Infinities will bring you a complete total conversion for stellaris!Statistics Select:Compare to: Images Articles VisitorsTotal: 136 Dec 26Dec 30JanJan 07Jan 11Jan 15Jan 19Jan 230246810121416 JS chart by amCharts 201620172018201920202021202220232024JS chart by amCharts From: to: Zoom: How...
Stellaris mods How to install Stellaris mods About StellarisTagged: Star Trek - Stellaris mods0 Fixes August 12, 2017 Star Trek 1080/1440 UI Overhaul Fix Mod 0 Sound August 12, 2017 EMP: Epic Music Pack For Stellaris 0 Stellaris mods July 30, 2017 Star Trek New Horizons ...
1 2 下一页 尾页 25回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回stellaris吧P社新游Star Trek: Infinite的CG。完全就是群星套皮 只看楼主收藏回复 半城烟火半城花 工业革命 5 群星项目是不是真的已经结束了。那么多设定都没补完啊。这么好的IP就这么放弃 送TA礼物 1楼2023-08-20 09:20回复 ...
我感觉群星的作者是星..据说群星(Stellaris)的前身是游戏太空帝国(Space Empires IV/V) ,在太空帝国4(Space Empires IV)有个种族叫做卡达西族。如上图,左面从下往上数第二个头像。过
The thing is, there is already an excellent Star Trek game built on Stellaris. I refer to the total conversion mod, Star Trek New Horizons, which has been regularly updated since 2016. That game feels infinite. You can play as the above mentioned factions, but also literally anything else....
and the Stellaris: Star Trek mod on my computer. I have been enjoying the movies, and the soundtracks to those movies. And through all of it I’ve been struck by this thought: it’s weird that for a franchise famous for talking, there are precious few games where you get to her conv...
I downloaded this game hoping for a nice mobile version of Stellaris in the Star Trek universe and it is a decent version of that, I guess. You get to build and level up a star base and manage and level up your ships and crew. The MMO aspect isn’t terrible, although you seem to...
CaptainRiker30 10月 The Star Trek Infinite mod works perfectly. Thank you. BringNTheHEAT28 10月 works awesome. Thank you very much. NCC-1701-G25 10月 Thank you for bringing this to a game I love. So much appreciated. 加入讨论
We can already mod this... yeah that was what came to my mind as well as soon as I looked at the image. it's not just a stellaris reskin, its a bad one. doesn't look near as polished as stellaris at all and I can tell that from a single screenshot, pretty sad. milking tha...