P社新游Star T..群星我觉得可能会是五萌里最长寿的,因为他没有历史包袱,所以创作无限制,想怎么折腾都行,甚至直接加入战锤三体的元素也未尝不可只要有活就随你整,除非是换引擎,否则真找不到断更的理由
The thing is, there is already an excellent Star Trek game built on Stellaris. I refer to the total conversion mod, Star Trek New Horizons, which has been regularly updated since 2016. That game feels infinite. You can play as the above mentioned factions, but also literally anything else....
Star Trek: Infinite 修改与秘籍 修改器和秘籍:Steam 4.9/532K 条评论1K+次下载安全已经过 VirusTotal 扫描作者:ColonelRVH 修改功能15 游戏内容修改 瞬间研究 游戏速度 WeMod 介绍 WeMod 修改功能简介 第1 步 下载WeMod WeMod是一款好评如潮的游戏修改应用,支持超过3000 款游戏...
We can already mod this... yeah that was what came to my mind as well as soon as I looked at the image. it's not just a stellaris reskin, its a bad one. doesn't look near as polished as stellaris at all and I can tell that from a single screenshot, pretty sad. milking tha...
结语 分享17赞 学霸大陆吧 我才能请假 【mod 平行宇宙】 Star Trek 分享87赞 无垠的太空吧 白给不亏😳 大佬们,从star trek来的 请问怎么入坑合适第一季从头开始还是有那几集可以先看看尝鲜 分享5赞 stellaris吧 杨叫兽电疗法 我感觉群星的作者是星际迷航Star Trek的粉丝据说群星(Stellaris)的前身是游戏太空帝国...
+4 分享154赞 stellaris吧 半城烟火半城花 P社新游Star Trek: Infinite的CG。完全就是群星套皮群星项目是不是真的已经结束了。那么多设定都没补完啊。这么好的IP就这么放弃 分享25232 starrail吧 Причина 群星的死灵法师到底是什么?如题 分享53 孙笑川吧 贴吧用户_GRe2KbC 我们star星视频真是太懂新闻...
If you think about it, if hell has breaks in torture where you can experience small amounts of pleasure, and you are in hell for eternity, then ultimately you would end up experiencing an infinite amount of pleasure, all while being in hell. ...