MyStar Trekjourney started when I was a kid many moons ago. I used to watch the original series on my portable telly in the kitchen while eating dinner. I loved the adventures of Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhuru and the rest of these bold space heroes. Thus, it was surprising that the whole...
Chosen Realm — A group of religious extremists hijacks the Enterprise with the intention of using it to destroy their enemies in a century-long holy war. 1/21/2004. Proving Ground — Commander Shran of the Andorian Imperial Guard offers to help the Enterprise crew in a reconnaissance ...
A slice of the new Matt Ferguson "Star Trek: Lower Decks" Season 5 poster. (Image credit: Paramount+) The invigorating "Star Trek" franchise is a flourishing galaxy of content these days and that imaginative sci-fi realm is about to become even more fertile as evidenced by all the ...
But this mention of problems between Spock and his father also harks back to "Star Trek: Discovery," where we learn the deeper reason Sarek isn't on speaking terms with his son: He'd chosen not to endorse his adopted daughter Michael Burnham's application to the Vulcan Science Academy, ex...
In-depth critical reviews of Star Trek and some other sci-fi series. Includes all episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Str
A Realm Reborn isn’t just a great PC game; it really draws on everything that makes the Final Fantasy series so popular: beautiful worlds, eccentric characters, stylish cutscenes, and adorable critters. The widely acclaimed 2019 expansion, Shadowbringers, introduced a huge amount of new content...
Star Trek: Enterprise will always be the first Star Trek spin-off to be cancelled rather than retired, the first live-action spin-off to run less than seven seasons. That is what pop culture will remember of the fifth Star Trek series, when it chooses to
Usually, in the realm of electronic gaming, when the words in the title include "Star Trek," you usually have a game that is synonymous with "crap." While there have been some great games for the series, like Interplay's Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites, for every game ...
Whether or not this was Q's intent is unknown, but Q had previously chosen not to bring the ship home earlier as he had correctly foreseen that Janeway would keep the Borg and the Borg Queen busy enough in the Delta Quadrant that they wouldn't find "Them" before Picard did. (TNG nove...
Star Trek's Influence On American Culture On September 8, 1966, television audiences went on their first voyage with the Starship Enterprise and its crew. The show lasted three years and consisted of only 79 original episodes but went on to become one of the most culturally and socially influe...