This movie went through so many rewrites it’s hard to tell what it was originally supposed to be about. What we end up getting is a story about two not-too-dissimilar groups of aliens battling it out, with the crew of the Enterprise stuck in the middle and having to choose a side...
This movie went through so many rewrites it’s hard to tell what it was originally supposed to be about. What we end up getting is a story about two not-too-dissimilar groups of aliens battling it out, with the crew of the Enterprise stuck in the middle and having to choose a side...
“选择生存” Choose to live. 你和荣誉 You and honor. 学点新东西吧 Get a new thing. 通过虚无主义削弱真实的东西 You and undercutting anything real with nihilistic 和总是玩自我保护的幽默你 才学点新东西吧 and self-protecting humor, get a new thing. 好吧 你还嘴还真是越来越厉害了 O-O-...
Star Trek Online features over 15 actors spanning every series of Star Trek. You’ll have the opportunity to party up with Worf, Seven of Nine, Tuvok, Harry Kim, and many many more. Choose your Faction: Explore with the Federation, Fight for Honor with the Klingon Empire, or rebuild your...
Discovery uncover the mystery of an unusually destructive new force; as Burnham leads the crew, she must also find a way to help Book cope with an unimaginable loss. Where to Watch Episode 3 Choose to Live Thu, Dec 2, 2021 55 mins Burnham and Tilly hunt the killer of a Starfleet ...
“Star Trek: Discovery” always had a lot to live up to. It’s the first new “Star Trek” TV show in over a decade, so it has to be both a new take on the franchise and a tribute to the original series. There’s over 50 years of canonical history to pick and choose from, ...
Sarek coldly replies that it was the logical choice, as his duties as ambassador to Earth required him to understand and observe Human behavior. Sarek then tells his son, "Spock, you are fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is: which path will you choose?
还有那些选择移居外星球的人的故事 Something about people who choose to live off-world. 舰长 Captain, 你觉得那些殖民者还活着吗 do you think anyone's still there? 在三小时十七分钟之后 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 15 p. The Secret Lives of Animals《动物的秘密生活(2024)》第一季第一集...
Can you stop a new multiversal Borg before they gain...control? Break their control in Star Trek Online: Unparalleled, now live on Xbox! This pack includes: - 1 Verdant Changeling Phaser Full Auto Rifle (Packed) - 1 Elite Captain Training Token
As forStar Trek: Discovery… it’s hard for me to think of a new teevee show that got off to such a rotten start. It was supposed to be the crown jewel of the new tollivison service “CBS All-Access.” I’m not sure why they thought they’d make a ton of money bringing Trekkers...