Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games has raised over $40 million so far for Star Citizen. So, what does their space game look like? A new video...
Allowing a certain level of interchangeability for groups of players to cobble together unique gameplay out of unexpected elements is something we look forward to, the idea that you’ll show us what’s truly possible in Star Citizen. An interesting example here might be a small fleet of ships ...
When it comes to deciding on a ship’s cargo capacity, we have to think about what role we see that ship occupying within the Star Citizen universe. We have entry level ships that have been given a limited amount of cargo space. The idea here is that players will be able to buy these...
open up a whole new play style in Star Citizen. Another cool focus for the month was the Ship Item Kiosks, this system will allow players to buy and sell goods in the game, but most importantly it will be one of the main elements needed for the game’s economy to begin to take ...