Some people dream big, like the star citizen team.. Some people make half assed games and rush them out unfinished, like Derek Smart.. If you're just coming in here to bash the game, you should find a better hobby.. Getting old.. No one thinks the game is done.. Except you.. ...
For all intents and purposes, Star Citizen currently feels like a lobby MMO (albeit one of the best I've ever played), where you join the lobby with your friends and then login into the same server to have a little bit of fun, not a persistent universe with thousands of players ...
Star Citizen, as of this writing, has all the makings of a crowd-fundingfailure, and an unmitigated disaster. A disaster which, if, and when it happens, and everything eventually comes out, is likely to be the most shocking event in recent gaming memory, which threatens to eclipse even t...
It's great when the entire CIG sitting in the same office building using the same internet provider or even LAN to play Star Citizen, it's a completely different matter in every other case. And voice/audio/video networks are glitchy as fuck. But latency is not an issue. You don't ...
This stuff has zero credibility. Logged dsmart Supreme Cmdr Administrator Hero Member Posts: 4915 Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship « Reply #936 on: May 01, 2018, 04:36:20 AM » CIG can't even get their streamers to play the game anymore, so they've started bribing them ...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
I predict this game (and Star Citizen) will be a major factor behind system upgrades when it launches. This actually might be the first title (at least that I'm aware of) where the developer optimizes the streaming algorithm for SSDs rather than HDDs. Field – Requirement OS: Windows 7...
Unlike many games, none of these aspects is an afterthought: they all combine to form the core of the Star Citizen experience. ])rStrangelove, Jan 9, 2014 #234 eclap Guest Where is the dogfighting module that was supposed to come out in December? eclap, Jan 9, 2014 #235 ...
Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games has raised over $40 million so far for Star Citizen. So, what does their space game look like? A new video...
I was using an iPad but I still find [I’m] a little bit old school and print stuff out. I start with just trying to have a vision and it’s kind of weird because I just sit around and wait and then I look at memes online. I look at what’s trending in the gaming world, ...