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Side Note:Using a calculator for trade routes can help you increase profits. There are few of them available, and most can be found with simple google search “star citizen cargo calculator X.X” (where X.X is the current patch number). Find one you like! While I believe that people w...
Manufacturer:Roberts Space Industries Usage:Multi ship page Ship:PTV Manufacturer:Greycat Industrial Usage:Ground ship page Also Contains Revel & York Hangar Starting Money: 10,000 UEC 6 Month Insurance Digital Star Citizen Manual Star Citizen Digital Download ...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
How you spend your money is your business and if you want to use big $0.25 words in effort posts I’m hardly one to throw stones. You do you, even if you like to rock the :smuggo: maybe more than you should and the :gary: not enough. Logged Star Citizen isn't a game. It'...
Sea of Thieves + simulator game + space = Star Citizen In brief, you are a citizen living in the Stanton System and you have a spaceship which allows you to go and make money and essentially live however you want What can you do? First Option: Be a law-abiding citizen Explore Collect...
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It’s been a while since I’ve done this, but as a courtesy to our newer posters and lurkers, I wanted to offer one admittedly subjective summary of the present malaise, particularly with respect to the Star Citizen brand and Chris Roberts reputation as chief architect and spokesman. ...
Star Citizen: Whale-sized expectations Posted onDecember 4, 2013bySynCaine There is only one option for Star Citizen at this point; it’s going to be a huge explosion. Now, that explosion could be a birth of an awesome MMO, or it could give us the greatest rage bubble burst of …Cont...
Once you complete your tour however, you re-enter the persistent Star Citizen universe with some money in your pocket and Citizenship to find your way. SQ42 missions will be released episodically -- roughly 10 episodes a month with a cliff hanger at the end of each set. The episodes are ...