Side Note:Using a calculator for trade routes can help you increase profits. There are few of them available, and most can be found with simple google search “star citizen cargo calculator X.X” (where X.X is the current patch number). Find one you like! While I believe that people w...
So, really what we're doing with Star Citizen is we're working on the game, adding features for an incredibly ambitious design – I don't think there is any other game that is trying to do as much as we're trying to do. So, degree of difficulty 11, not 10. And, we'll have w...
Sell Star Citizen Ships Items - Sell Ships Browse our marketplace now!Make Money Playing Games>2M Registered Traders >550K Avg. Monthly Offers >135 Buyer & Seller Countries >215 Games Useful Links How to Become a Seller How to Sell Player Count Market Price Tracker A secure and ...
he will always be Ron Jeremy, Porn Star. No matter how hard he tries, he will never leave that stigma behind - a victim of his own celebrity I suppose. Yet, it is a little difficult to feel TOO bad for a guy who's slept with over 2000 women, and gotten paid handsomely to boot....
Star Citizen Funding Reaches $180 Million, But Is The Money Well Spent? Kickstarter darling has been in development since, what feels like, the beginning of the universe. Star Citizen was, and is, the brainchild of Chris Roberts, a designer/programmer responsible for the creation of the Wing...
This month a new planet is being added to Star Citizen called microTech, after the microTech corporation who own it, and next year they'll be debuting a new 20v20 mode in its multiplayer FPS section called Theatres of War. Who knows how much money it'll raise then? Maybe it'll be ...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
Here’s how it works. Star Citizen's money pot has grown with such incessant regularity that the current milestone of $55 seems blasé somehow. The number still has the power to impress, however, as Chris Roberts explains on the Star Citizen site. "We’re in the Guinness Book of World ...
A while back Massively OP had a post about Cloud Imperium Games approaching the $600 million mark in backing for Star Citizen, which spent time comparing that number to the budgets of some major AAA video games. I wrote a comment over there objecting to
Star Citizen, a video game that exists as a Forever Promise, was first revealed to the world back in 2012 via a Kickstarter campaign that raised $2.1 million. In the decade since, through the announcements of spin-offs, modules, in-game economies and countless other features and half-baked...