I am stunned with those stunner specs the game is running so poorly. It makes me wonder if some bug happened (I've experienced that sort of thing in a few games over the years where something went wrong and the game runs like a slideshow -- then rebooting or reinstalling resolves it fo...
Originally, if the film did poorly at the box office, Lucas planned to turn the novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye into a low-budget sequel to the movie. According to an interview with Alan Dean Foster in Empire magazine, the book was written to be filmed as a low-budget sequel if St...
The Road to CitizenConwas quickly released as a palliative for the faithful, yet a deeper reading of the work shows only too clearly how damning it is of the development itself. In fact, it is one of the most inadvertent self-incriminating pieces of self-congratulatory agitprop sinceSandi Gar...
I should point out that the game runs. It almost runs well. But the problem I’ve been running in to is the fact that, if I want to playStar Citizen, then that isallthat I am allowed to do on my PC. If I have the temerity to use my rig for anything else while ...
Each time the team kicks off a new build of Star Citizen all the data that the servers need is automatically copied out to hard disks in Google; this is a snapshot of our game data. These disks are broken into two to three conceptual parts: Base Image (the OS plus a few other ...
t is take promising new folks and take months or even years to train them… for most of our open positions, we need experienced people who can hit the ground running. So the great Human Resources challenge on Star Citizen is finding those people (who are rare in the first place) on a...
The immigration agency revealed the January arrest of Nicolas Alberto Hernandez-Lopez, a citizen of El Salvador who was previously convicted of the second-degree sexual assault of a Fairfax County, Virginia woman in 2019, when the immigrant was determined to have violated the terms of his admissio...
"Far From Home" is about on par with last week's outing — maybe a little bit better because it features an ensemble cast that allows it to have more scope. But at the core of the storytelling is an unfortunate fallback upon fairly worn tropes.TOSwas initially envisioned as a space wes...
Some other annoyances that compound the rough level design are unskippable scenes, limited lives per level, and the occasional poorly paced checkpoint. The ability to use save states anywhere in a level could’ve helped alleviate the irritating design elements a bit, but I guess if Mega Man X...
My contract also finishes up in February, and I’ve yet to sort out a solid plan for the future. I’ve been tossing around ideas of places to live, whether I want to further my education, and how on Earth to carry on a relationship as an American with a EU citizen (seriously visas...