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Extraction and reverse-engineering tool for Star Citizen game files. Included parts StarBreaker includes several projects, each useful to process a certain type of info or to perform a certain task StarBreaker Avalonia UI that aims to be an easy way to view and extract things inside the p4k...
looking for most professions still, like traders, smugglers, mercs, pirates/raiders, explorers, data/info runners, miners ect. currently at 49 members. which ship is that? ill join you if you got me in with the 5 bucks kit for as long as we agree on a contract . as far as the 5...
72 text Making text a first-class citizen in TensorFlow. tensorflow 971 73 menoh Menoh: fast DNN inference library with multiple programming language support pfnet-research 278 74 hermes A JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native. facebook 7389 75 cpp-httplib A C++ header-only HTTP...
dragon eggs and mutant cats. Don’t scoff – the most expensive Cryptokitty is named “Dragon” and found a new virtual wallet for the USD 172,000* equivalent of ETH (Ether, second largest cryptocurrency by market cap after Bitcoin, of the Ethereum blockchain). The next two runners up ...
But to perpetuate the ruse that Leia was still a loyal Imperial citizen, the rebels had Ryder kidnap Leia while Sabine sent Zeb to "knock out" Kanan and Ezra and take them "prisoner" aboard the Ghost. This development startled the Imperials, who wondered when the rebels began taking ...
(羡慕)并且试玩了3.0的预览版本并采访了CIG,本着正经水贴的原则,翻译了一下Part2的采访摘要 Part1:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5225264698 原文链接:https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/6nc6j6/gamestar_the_technique_behind_star_citizen/ 17713 星空卫视吧 上课不听讲♋ 【节目表】星空卫视 + ...
"Cardassians" is another stellar episode that highlights whatDS9's true strengths are. A young, adopted Cardassian boy named Rugel comes to DS9 with his Bajoran father, but when Rugel bites Garak's hand, a troubling issue appears: Is this a person who has been taught by his Bajoran ...