Download the brochure ABOUT THE SHIP CONCEPT PLEDGE The Crusader Hercules is being offered for the first time as a limited ship concept pledge. This means that the ship design meets our specifications, but it is not yet ready to display in your Hangar or to fly in Star ...
The width of the G12 series is listed in the brochure/ship matrix as 5.8m. This is wider than the 4-SCU-wide (5m) Ursa footprint. Is this an error and, more importantly, does the G12 series fit anywhere an Ursa can be stored? In terms of in-ship storage, the aim was always ...
-MISCCavalcade of Transports!brochure, 2945 Backer Question and Answer Attention Citizens! We’re taking questions and answers on individualMISCHulls that will appear in this space over the next week. Today’s questions focus on the Hull A; if you’re interested in learning more about the B,...