Hi All, I have Zscript in En as original language and in 'IT' language In the footer window i need to display a standard text The below statement is used for the same
0 Kudos 3,777 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, We have one standart text (so10). I want to find whethere this is used in SAP Script or not. is there any way to find out standard text in SAP Script.. please help...Reply ...
A standard text variable is an SAP-delivered variable, which you can enter directly into a report when defining report text. The system calculates the value for the variable based on current system records. Example Author of report Date of report creation Time of report creation Page number Th...
Solved: Hi, I'm working on SAP standard text (transaction SO10) with text symbol as &TEXT& and I have to replace all text symbol with corresponding value. First I have
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis Hi Michael - here's some scratch code that I've been playing with in sandbox just to read a single text - this executes fine - and gives a result (this code is based around what executes in READ_TEXT - but ignoring the overhead): SELECT...
CREATE & TRANSPORT STANDARD TEXT STEP1: Create Standard Text: T-Code SO10 Enter the Text Name and then click CREATE Push Button. A Text Screen will appear where you can
A system standard is thebest proposalfor a short text line if the following conditions are met: No application standard exists for the source text to be translated in the domain of the object to which the text belongs. The existing system standard fits into the space available in the translat...
Using the standard texts (SO10) for storing the mail body is not a new concept, But when we get the standard Text thruREAD_TEXTfunction module, the later falls a hectic part in formatting the mail to the desired output. Yet, the advantage is,SO10comes with the option of uploading the...
功能描述:Manage Standard Text OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支持如下: BSP名称: BSP包: BSP组件及版本: BSP运用地址: APP使用行业: 摘...
For SNC to work properly, you need to upload SAP Libraries namely(sapcrypto.dll, sapgenpse.exe, slcryptokernel.dll)using Assemblies pane in Azure portal. \n ForSNC Partner Name, enter the backend's SNC name. For example,p:CN=DV3, OU=LA, O=MS, C=US. ...