1.Without creating Standard Text..Just type the text in the footer window by creating text node. then you dont have this problem. 2.One more way is in the SMARTFORMS tcode, you have Text modules.Create a Text Module with your text required.And include the same in the smartform by crea...
With S010, all purchasing printout texts are taken from S010 text and is maintained in transaction T024E. We need to maintain different text ID's like Header_logo, EKORG_Footer, EKORG_Billing_TO_Address etc. You can also maintain table STXH for different languages for text id. Show repli...
SO10 is the transaction code for creation of standard text,standard test is mainly used in script and smart form ,if some text is repeated in script r smart form no need to write every time in the layout ... just create the standard text just call the in the layout... like /:INCLUD...
REPORT ztest_so10_symbol. DATA lv_name TYPE thead-tdname. DATA lv_langu LIKE sy-langu VALUE 'EN'. DATA lt_line TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE. DATA lv_count TYPE i. lv_name = 'ZTEST_TEXT_SYMBOL'. * read your text from SO10 CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT' EXPORTING ...