L=14FμνFμν+iψDψ+h.c.+ψiγijψjφ+h.c.+|Dμφ|2[12μ2|φ|2+14λ|φ|4]#This formula is the basis of the "Standard Model" of Particle Physics, the best theory we have today to describe the elementary bricks of nature, and the structure of their interactions. In ...
The snapshot of the Universe approximately three minutes after the Big Bang [1] can be regarded as one of the most remarkable predictions of the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics in conjunction with the (so-called) concordance model of Cosmology, ΛCDM. While a theory for the origin...
In this article I propose a new criterion to extend the Standard Model of particle physics from a straightforward algebraic conjecture: the symmetries of physical microscopic forces originate from the automorphism groups of main Cayley–Dickson algebras, from complex numbers to octonions and sedenions....
Physics beyond the Standard Model refers to the search for a new framework that extends the Standard Model of particle physics, in order to explain phenomena that cannot be accounted for by the current model. It involves exploring new particles, forces, and interactions that could provide answers...
From this early work, and work in related fields, theStandard Modelof particle physics was derived. Iz teh zgodnjih del in del na sorodnih področjih je bil izpeljanStandardni modelfizike delcev. WikiMatrix (b) the form and content of astandard modelof attestation. ...
The Standard Model (SM) currently stands as the most successful theory in describing high-energy particle physics. Therefore, it might be considered the ultimate fundamental theory of nature describing all physical phenomena at arbitrary energy scales. For this purpose, the dependence of the SM param...
BHow many equations is the standard model composed of Roughly speaking General Relativity is summarized with one equation but 15 or so equations are packed within it. Sorry if that's wrong, but I'm not an expert or anything. (If I could get an answer to that questions I would appreciate...
The Macros, as Starkman and Jacobs call them, would not only dwarf WIMPS and axions, but differ in an important way. They could potentially be assembled out of particles in the Standard Model of particle physics instead of requiring new physics to explain their existence. ...
(\bar \psi _L\psi _R\)+ h.c.) are forbidden in the symmetric limit. In particular, in the Minimal Standard Model (MSM: i.e. the model that only includes all observed particles plus a single Higgs doublet), allψLareSU(2) doublets while allψRare singlets. But for the moment, ...
2According to Einstein's mass equationE=mc2we express the mass with energy. 3S. Nagy's note: The statement in parentheses is one of those myths of science education that everybody takes for granted. Well, almost everybody. A British chemist succeeded in building a bicycle on which the angu...