希格斯粒子(Higgs)是粒子物理标准模型(Standard Model of Particle Physics) 预言的粒子中唯一一个尚未被探测到的粒子…www.docin.com|基于18个网页 2. 粒子物理学标准模型 ...噪,科学家相信这种粒子是组成所有物质的基础,根据「粒子物理学标准模型」(Standard Model of Particle Physics),构…www.businessweekly.com...
每日一句 The standard model of particle physics, one of the most powerful theories in science, describes a suite of fundamental particles and the forces through which they interact, but it fails t...
STANDARD MODEL OF PARTICLE PHYSICSG. AltarelliEncyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (Second Edition)
本文翻译自《Gauge Theories in Particle Physics》第一章,目的在于简要了解标准模型的建立.1.1 标准模型简介粒子物理学的传统目的一直是辨别什么是看似无结构的物质单元,并理解作用于它们之间的力的本质;所有…
The standard model of particle physics has been described as "the theory of almost everything". It concerns three of the four fundamental forces of nature and uses quantum mechanics to describe the ways that these forces affect subatomic particles. Building on earlier models of the atom, from ...
To learn more about the standard model of particle physics, review the accompanying lesson by the same name. This lesson covers the following objectives: Learn about the fundamental particles of the universe and how they react with one another Understand why the standard model is not a complet...
Our current understanding of the basic building blocks of matter and interactions between them is called the Standard Model of Particle Physics (SM). This most fundamental description of Nature incorporates three of the four basic interactions which govern how the Universe works, the electromagnetic, ...
Physics beyond the Standard Model refers to the search for a new framework that extends the Standard Model of particle physics, in order to explain phenomena that cannot be accounted for by the current model. It involves exploring new particles, forces, and interactions that could provide answers...
Since it was developed in the 1970s, theStandard Model of particle physicshas been extremely successful at explaining the interactions of particles and most fundamental forces. It doesn’t cover everything – major missing pieces includedark matterand even gravity – but what it does cover, it ...