3.3, can not offer a solution if the distribution of high-entropy gravitational remnants from big-bang is scale-invariant as one could expect [281]. This leads to the question of whether ‘the initial conditions of the universe could have originated from a Poincare recurrence’ [283]....
token=<token> for secure servicesgeoidTiledTerrainProvider:geoidService});viewer.scene.primitives.add(i3Data); The conversion of orthometric heights to ellipsoidal uses anArcGIS Image Service, that provides the Interpolation Grid,Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) Data,as an Elevation service. Apr...
We need to understand what changes when a particle beyond the SM is Hawking radiated. In fact, as the process is purely gravitational and as the emission of individual particles is independent, any number of additional degrees of freedom can be added without changing the rest of the spectra. ...
It is interesting to mention that it has been shown104,105,106,107 that first order phase transitions in the early Universe could produce gravitational waves detectable by future space-based gravitational observatories such as LISA. Moving back to the G(2) color string, the breaking of this ...
the existence of three families or generations of leptons and quarks, which apart from mass have similar properties; the mass hierarchy of the elementary particles, which form the basis of the SM; the nature of the gravitational interaction, and the origin ofCPviolation in the neutral kaon ...
For the Tuzla area, a maximum ground acceleration of 0.23 was calculated in gravitational acceleration (g). The results were compared with an earlier study by Algermissen and Rogers [26] performed earlier for the same territory, with regard to peak ground acceleration for the same designed ...
Similarly, one finds 𝛿𝑡𝑆𝑢𝑛≈𝛿𝑡𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑡ℎ+2.12×10−6𝑛−3𝛿𝑡𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑡ℎδtSun≈δtEarth+2.12×10−6n−3δtEarth (gravitational time contraction). Similarly, for the gravitational redshift of light, we find in our approach: 𝜈1≈𝜈2(1+...
Merging black hole binaries should lead to some of the strongest gravitational wave signals reaching detectors here on Earth, and the phase directly before the merger ("chirp") could be used as a "standard candle " to deduce the distance to the merger events–and hence serve as a prob...
When large overdensities gravitationally collapse in the early universe, they lead to primordial black holes (PBH). Depending on the exact model of inflation leading to necessary large perturbations at scales much smaller than scales probed at the Cosmic