I will give you afull body drawing of an original JoJo Stand in a Stand Chart. You will be able to participate in all the design process and tell me what kind of illustration you want. I love CRAZY things, so if you have a crazy or weird idea for your stand, you found the correct...
后天哆啦A梦3D剧场版『stand by me 哆啦A梦』首映前几个月,哆啦A梦水田版就表示开始再为这个3D版打广告,我居然没信,居然真的出了,虽然这次剧场版也是炒冷饭,说是集合了“再见!哆啦A梦”等等剧集 分享25赞 洛卡卡卡吧 剑鱼◎记号笔 「转载」JOJOVELLER STANDS的一些设定原帖地址:https://tieba.baidu.com/...