Development Potential (成長性, Seichō-sei): Measures the Stand's possible functions, utilization of its abilities and powers, and capacity to improve its overall capabilities. It decreases in rank as the user masters their Stand. List of Stand StatsStand...
Clash (クラッシュ, Kurasshu) is the Stand of Squalo, featured in the fifth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Vento Aureo.
JoJosapiens (ジョジョサピエンス, Jojosapiensu) is a Stand designed by Hirohiko Araki in commemoration of the opening of Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition: Ripples of Adventure. The Stand appertains to a fan participation project of the same name. JoJosapien
After fusing with the Green Baby, Whitesnake appears behind Jolyne as a new Stand: C-Moon Fd145b68c03cab537f5bc3c157696856.jpg C-Moon using Surface Inversion C-Moon evolving.png Evolving into Made in Heaven C MOON1.png C-Moon's Stand stats C-moonfusion.PNG Diagram showing C-Moo...
↑ 跳转至: 2.0 2.1 SO Volume 14, in-between Stand stats, SO Chapter 121:“Under World, Part 3” ↑ SO Chapter 118:“Time for Heaven - Three Days Until the New Moon” ↑ 跳转至: 4.0 4.1 SO Chapter 119:“Under World, Part 1” ↑ 跳转至: 5.0 5.1 SO Chapter 132:“Heavy Weat...
Stats? “ As long as it's living, then Cioccolata's Green Day... will kill it... always... ” —Secco, Chapter 559 Green Day (グリーン・ディ Gurīn Dei) is the Stand of Cioccolata, featured in Vento Aureo. Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Abilities 3.1 Mold Infestation ...
S03E19: Four Men and a Baby Stand S03E18: Solar Powered Jack Shack S03E17: Stand Scope Creep S03E16: Döner Kebab and the Human Bridge S03E15: Jotaro Does the Bare Minimum S03E14: Maybe the Worst Town You've Ever Been To S03E13: Jotaro Coming Out of His Well to Shame Mankind...
By spending meter, you can switch in and out of your stand style in the middle of moves, creating interesting combos with you and your Stand together. However, the style button has many other effects for many other characters. For “ripple” users, it allows them to charge their super ...
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