And I followed the instructions perfectly for downgrading Stalker SOC to 1.005. Sachys: did you do a clean install before doing that? - you have already been using mods, so its the likely culprit (I also suggest a good go over with something like CCleaner between installs). Navagon:...
简介:;已有50名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 1684、弹幕量 0、点赞数 50、投硬币枚数 1
sdkstalkerstalker-copstalker-socnpc-editorrohray-of-hope UpdatedJan 6, 2021 This repository contains the unpacked gamedata files of the stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly dbstalkeranomalygamedataunpackedtosox UpdatedApr 13, 2024
X-18的密码就是原版SOC的密码,当然原版还要开第一个门,密码是1243,然后进入那个火通道之后的一个房间里摸科学家尸体,PDA会收到二层密码是9524 来自Android客户端6楼2024-01-15 07:50 回复 正宗wcg1986 黑石组织 11 1243 9524 原版阴影玩多了,十五六年了还记得住 7楼2024-01-15 08:46 回复 -椛椛...
Pack Video Menu SoC 3y 1 1.9k Hello all, I come today with a request about making various edits to the gun models in Shadow of Che... Various Edits made to the Firearms. Expired 3y 273 Subscribe122 Sections Skins45339 cats Effects171 cat GUIs151 cat Game files142 cats Maps21 cat Textu...
Why is there a "CD Key" field in the Settings program for Stalker:SoC? Attachments: stalker-settings.png (18 Kb) Prian Talkin´ bout yo Momma Prian 抱歉,给定用户的数据目前不可用。请稍后重试。 查看用户信息 查看愿望单 开始会话 自的用户 该用户的愿望单不是公开的。 由于此用户或您的...
而且它的藏匿点机制采用的soc的需要知道信息才能拿的机制,而不是cop里面找到就能拿,但是总而言之整体的游戏性还是不错的 来自Android客户端12楼2024-01-06 23:20 回复 张fasure 晴空组织 4 然后我再来谈谈剧情,我对于剧情的整个感觉是制作组似乎还有更大的野心,比如杜比宁和白蚁的上级,但是有些角色的结局安排...
@MirkoS77: come on I have beatedn Stalker Soc and Cop many times. I dont care what you think. And yes you are going to proven to be wrong. You are in minority. All i know you dont want this game to be success at all. You are realy blind if you think its...
I feel that NPCs in STALKER 2 mimic the same AI coded behaviour you get from the original SoC game. You get some scripted follow me type moments, but overall NCPs just sit in their town/settlement areas and do pretty much nothing, all day, every day. A whole lot of nothing. I'm ...