简介:https://www.youtube.com/watch?;已有50名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 1684、弹幕量 0、点赞数 50、投硬币枚数 1
Thank you for this awesome work, finding all these comments about bugs and other issues this mod should have (1.4.4), left a big question mark, what to use for playing STALKER SOC. STARTERPACK2019 or Autumn Aurora 2.1 were the only ones left, but it always felt odd, to leave STALKER...
Ive just find this,i never played STALKER SoC,what should i donwnload to have this amazing art of work ? I really want to try. Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Reginald_CZ - Jun 28 2019 - 96 comments For first time I recommend you to play vanilla game, only with Zone reclam...
We saw there were established factions in SoC and CS was the prequel to kind of give you that frame work of how things happened in the Zone. Sadly, it felt like the coders either didn't have time to create a good working faction wars system or they just didn't know how, it wasn'...
潜行者:Soc Update2.0最新开发进度,很惊艳! Gamma 0.9 【个人认为是目前所有整合里流程最平衡舒服,游戏性最高!此视频加了A.D.E.G.A 1.1 材质。】 潜行者SoC更新:潜2不潜2已经无所谓了! 无限逼近潜行者2画质!! 在EFPV4中安装河马着色器教程 stalker anomaly 原版向冬季包:演示[据说圣诞节放出!] S.T.A...
and the new game seems that it will deliver just as much of the Eastern European feel poverty feel as SoC did. Adding new artifacts, and new mutants as well as bringing back old favorites like the Bloodsucker and Snork would be the best. The song on the website is in wav format, and...
The basic Stalker UAS has been in service with the US Special Operations Command (USSOC) since 2006. Collaborative unmanned systems demonstration The drone took part in the collaborative unmanned systems demonstration conducted by Lockheed Martin for integrating unmanned systems into the National Air...
I think most of the time the atmosphere is kind of intense, landing the game between SoC and CoP. Mutants are pretty predictable, for the most part you just back peddle and shoot them or side step to mostly avoid their attacks. They get kind of boring. I dislike when bad guys spawn ...
Stalker SoC Troubleshooting FAQ //LAST UPDATE: 16 May 2018 GMT+1) *Changelog (hey why did it take me 3 years to think of doing this) STALKER 2: https://www.stalker2.com/ 2021, Unreal Engine 4, but all the old team is gone, so who will make it?
爬行者(Dread Creeper)组成,偶尔混杂1~3 分享6赞 潜行者吧 游骑兵··先锋 【科普贴】三部曲中的防护服/防化服RT,本贴主要介绍出现在SOC、CS、COP三部曲中的全部防护服(但不包含那些特殊版本) 资料和图片主要来自WIKI 发这个贴的目的很简单,就是杜绝掉某些人犯错却仍不肯更正的借口,同时也满足吧友们的需求(...