Weapons Zone Folklore About S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki is a community that aims to create the best resource forS.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl,S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky,S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of PripyatandS.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. We arecurrently edi...
Ground Weapons Level -锻炉 100 100 160 150 150 190 - 光影议会 200 200 220 - 光影议会 提升星灵地面单位的火力。 地面单位护甲等级 (A) Ground Armor Level -锻炉 100 100 160 150 150 190 - 光影议会 200 200 220 - 光影议会 提升星灵地面单位的护甲。
1次/日,该化身以18级的经验值等级使用所有基于寒冷的法术。 Special Att/Def:Within a 10' radius of Stalker's form there is a continually radiatingfear. The avatar is immune to all fear,illusions,mind-affecting spells,caused wounds,paralyzation,gas attacks,energy drains and symbols. Blunt weapons ...
Riftstalker weapons Riftstalker's Core • Riftstalker's Sunderer • Riftstalker's Talon Retrieved from "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Riftstalker%27s_Talon&oldid=2809198"Categories: Swords Riftstalker weapons Mystic Forge recipes Weapons with unique soundsNavigation...
Bring hell to those supernatural cupcakes from the other team this halloween. —Supernatural Stalkerpublicity blurb ” TheSupernatural Stalkeris acommunity-createdcosmetic itemfor theSoldier. It adds a black bandana with grey rectangular and crosshatching stitches down the middle, while also adding three...
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 2Progression: 5Requires: Increased Empathy Improved Weapon Finesse: You can use your Dexterity modifier for damage when wielding thrown weapons, and melee weapons with which you can use your Dexterity modifier to hit. (Longbows and Shortbows use your Dexterity modifier by defaul...
Weapons Zone Folklore Horror Games Agony • Alan Wake • Alice • Alone in the Dark • Amnesia • At Dead of Night • Bendy • BioShock • Clock Tower • Dark Deception • DayZ • Dead Space • Deadly Premonition • Death Mark • Deep Fear • Dino Crisis • Dr...
GW2BLTCGW2TPgw2treasures API 95554 Gallery Click to enlarge. “ Double-click to consume.Double-click to apply this look to any other mace. — In-game description Acquisition[edit] Sold by[edit] Vendor Area Zone Cost Black Lion Weapons Specialist (item currently unavailable) 3 Contained...
http://stalker.filefront.com/file/PLRs_Realistic_Weapons;88736 *** NOTE: Likely to have a bug where enemies start using solely pistols, to fix this read here QUICK FIX: What happens is the "fort-12" is accidentally tagged as a sniper rifle in arsenal, go to the gamedata/config/weapon...
1Awakening 2History 3Warfare 4Weapons and Equipment 5Gallery 6Miniatures 7Sources Awakening ALiche Priestmust collect the pieces of a fallen Nehekharan warrior and under a full moon, scatter the fragment on the ground, throwing powdered bone into the wind as they chant the appropriate incantation....