Lower_Weapon_Sprint_v1.2.0.3Beef's NVGsBeef's NVGs - Patch (ES AND SSR)Beef's Meteor Showers v1.0配置_NPC不再用枪撞击主角_[DLTX] NO NPC MELEE ATTACK VS PLAYER配置_主角可在营火旁烤肉_ARSZI'S CAMPFIRE ROASTING FOR ANOMALY 1.5.1AI more cover_Beta v.3.1CalmingCampfires配置_NPC吉他位置...
In the vast arena, you will encounter almost every type of anomaly that you have seen in the Zone. We recommend you to stay in the area full of electric and poisonous anomalies - they are the easiest to avoid, and Strelok himself likes to circle around them. Strelok can move from place...
Stalker Anomaly Reconstructed Jan 24 2025TBDFirst Person Shooter This is Early Release! This mod-pack is mostly a vanilla experience with the standard bells and whistles, weapon packs, Quality of Life improvements... ZR Hardcore mod SCoP
Soon we will create a new Moddb page for our new project, stay tuned! Here are full list of changes in this update: ~ Semenov trader has the money without any limits ~ the list of weapons with a little damage when dropping out of the courpses is extended ~ stalkers group at the Pr...
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly G.A.M.M.A. modpack definition files. - Stalker_GAMMA/G.A.M.M.A/modpack_data/modpack_maker_list.txt at main · Grokitach/Stalker_GAMMA
Super slow weapon swapping speed. It feels like I'm standing in water up to my neck and I'm trying to move as fast as I can to swap from my rifle to my pistol. Or pistol to knife, or knife to grenade...doesn't matter what weapon you have equipped, the weapon swap speed is at...
Restored anomaly visibility Various minor graphical and gameplay updates For a more detailed changelog and a comprehensive list of credits recognizing the authors whose work has contributed to this project, visit the downloads page. This update is nowlive...
the order of the Ministry of the Interior №2 dated 19.09.2006 prohibited the organization of evacuation of victims from the territory of the CEZ. A proposal was put forward to create a "Chernobyl Anomaly Zone" with a reinforced perimeter at a fixed distance from the Chernobyl NPP and t...
in other mods, such as Anomaly, but I am almost sure that the game engine was updated for the development of Anomaly. Currently, a modder told me that in CoC 1.4.22. It is not possible to reproduce an animation through a script due to engine limitations, a...