Why the values of my raster map change when I project it to a new CRS (projectRaster function in R)? 2 Why does R think the projection data are different? 3 Shapefile and vector file don't precisely overlap when plotted 0 How to sync rasters with different projections 1 How to cha...
r1 <- raster(xmx=-150, ymn=60, ncols=30, nrows=30) r1[] <- 1:ncell(r1) r2 <- raster(xmn=-100, xmx=-50, ymx=50, ymn=30) res(r2) <- c(xres(r1), yres(r1)) r2[] <- 1:ncell(r2) x <- list(r1, r2) names(x) <- c("x", "y") x$filename <- 'test.tif' ...
I have made some web search but coultn't find any answer regarding how to perform viewshed analysis in R without the use of external tools (e.g., GRASS). I do know that a number of interesting packages are available in R to perform viartually all types of GIS-related operations, from...
library(purrr) library(magrittr) library(tidyverse) r2_xy <- xyFromCell(r2, 1:ncell(r2)) %>% as_data_frame %>% mutate(OriginalOrder=1:n(), x2=ifelse(x>180, x-360, x)) %>% arrange(desc(y),x2) r2_new <- raster(nrows=360, ncols=720) r2_new[] <- getValues(r2)[r2_...
I have 2 rasters stacked together: Since I would like to highlight some areas later for each specific layer in the stack, I create two point datasets based on the raster values: Now, I would like to plot the raster stack with levelplot from rasterVis i
aes-linetype-size-shape.r aes-position.r aes.r annotation-custom.r annotation-logticks.r annotation-map.r annotation-raster.r annotation.r autolayer.r autoplot.r axis-secondary.R backports.R bench.r bin.R compat-plyr.R coord-.r coord-cartesian-.r coord-fixed.r coord-flip.r coord-map...
I have a list of SpatialPolygons I created using lapply and the raster::buffer function. I would like to convert the files in the list back to a list of SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects. I tried the answer provided here (although note my issue is slightl
6_Create Raster Stack (Multi-Bands) This clip shows you how to use the tool: this module transforms your single factor maps into raster stack map. License Apache 2.0 Acknowledgements LSM Tool Pack was prepared as part of the projects “Development of ArcGIS Interfaces with R programming language...
View a RasterStack or RasterBrick as 3-dimensional data cube.Stephan WoellauerTim Appelhans
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