首先检查自己的电脑是否适合使用stable diffusion。最好是独立英伟达显卡,显存4GB以上。本人部署环境 CPU i...
return run(f'"{python}" -m pip {args} --prefer-binary{index_url_line}', desc=f"Installing {desc}", errdesc=f"Couldn't install {desc}") File "/Users/qu/stable-diffusion-webui/launch.py", line 97, in run raise RuntimeError(message) RuntimeError: Couldn't install requirements for...
无法安装requir..本地部署Stable-Diffusion出现问题无法安装requirements已安装python3.10.6 git2.39.3 pip23.2.1
git安装stabl..我用git安装stable diffusion的时候一直出现could'nt install requirements和readtimeouterror,各位大神有什么解决办法么加载模型又error了,是因为检测不到英伟达gpu么,还是别的原因(我用的amd集显,想慢慢跑着玩)
cd~/stable-diffusion-webui/vimlaunch.py 接着输入 228G 跳到第228行,也就是我们准备修改的位置,然后按 a 进入编辑模式,按照下面的代码修改对应位置的代码,按 Esc 退出编辑模式,然后输入 :wq 保存并退出。 小技巧:按 V 进入行选择模式,然后按 j 选择对应的行按 d 删除,按 a 进入编辑模式,将下面的代码...
How to Install Stable Diffusion After the user has visited theStability.ai websiteand verified their computer meets the latest minimum requirements, they will need to download and install bothPythonandGit. They will also need to create a free account atHugging Faceto get the model weights and ...
Hardware requirements For reasonable speed, you will need a Mac with Apple Silicon (M1 or M2). Recommended CPUs are: M1, M1 pro, M1 max, M2, M2 pro and M2 max. In addition to the efficient cores, the performance cores are important for Stable Diffusion’s performance. ...
各位大佬,安装时出了..venv "D:\ruan jian\Stable diffusion\directory\stable diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scri
pip install -r requirements.txt Install Stable Diffusion v1.4 (under thediffusion_sd1/directory), download checkpoint (sd-v1-4.ckpt), and place it under thecodes/diffusion_sd1/stable-diffusion/models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/directory.