BUFFER(g1,r) Description Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from geometryg1is less than or equal to distance, or radius,r. Uses for this function could include creating for example a new geometry representing a buffer zone around an island. BUFFER() is a synonym. ...
: library(sf) #> Linking to GEOS 3.11.2, GDAL 3.6.2, PROJ 9.2.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE library(mapview) library(magrittr) set.seed(145) chemins.32188 <- st_zm(chemins2) %>% st_transform(crs = 32188) rd.pts.sentiers <- st_sample(x = chemins.32188, size = 10) rd.pts.s...
ST_Buffer(g1,r) 其中,g1表示一个几何对象(如点、线或多边形),r表示缓冲区的半径。 示例 下面是一个简单的例子,查询名为“Central Park”的公园周围半径为500米的缓冲区: SELECTST_AsText(ST_Buffer(geom,0.005))asbufferFROMparksWHEREname='Central Park'; ...
1. 使用-r/-i参数 使用mysqladmin extended-status命令可以获得所有MySQL性能指标,即show global status的输出,不过,因为多数这些指标都是累计值,如果想了解当前的状态,则需要进行一次差值计算,这就是mysqladmin extended-status的一个额外功能,非常实用。默认的,使用extended-status,看到也是累计值,但是,加上参数-r(...
For what it's worth, calling the GDAL buffervectors tool from R via the OSGEO4W shell with something like the code below is fast (even with the original data) and may be useful in some cases: system("C:/OSGeo4W/OSGeo4W.bat qgis_process-qgis run gdal:buffervectors --distance_units...
Using the following code I can perform the spatial function require(rgdal) require(sp) require(rgeos) #read in the lines rt<- readOGR(dsn = "D:/", layer = "myLines") #now let's buffer by 50m rt.buff<- gBuffer(rt, width = 50) #This works!...