ST_Azimuth 使用两个输入点的 2D 投影返回基于北向的笛卡尔方位。 语法 ST_Azimuth(point1,point2) 参数 point1 一个POINT数据类型的GEOMETRY值。point1的空间参考系统标识符 (SRID) 必须与point2的 SRID 匹配。 point2 一个POINT数据类型的GEOMETRY值。point2的 SRID 必须与point1的 SRID 匹配。
float ST_Azimuth(geometry pointA , geometry pointB); float ST_Azimuth(geography pointA , geography pointB); 参数 参数名称 描述 pointA 第一个点。 pointB 第二个点。 描述 如果两个点重合,则返回NULL。 方位角是以北方为基准,顺时针为正:正北为0,正东为π/2,正南为π,正西为3π/2。 示例 默认...
ST_Azimuth takes two geometry columns and returns a double column representing the normalizedazimuthin degrees. The output azimuth angle is heading from the first geometry to the second geometry. The angle is referenced from the north and is positive clockwise. This function requires that the first...
ST_Azimuth,ApsaraDB RDS:返回從點A到點B的方位角,以北方為基準順時針方向旋轉。 參數名稱 描述 pointA 第一個點。 pointB 第二個點。 如果兩個點重合,則返回NULL。 方位角是以北方為基準,順時針為正:正北為0,正東為π/2,正南為π,正西為3π/2。
描述 如果两个点重合,则返回NULL。 方位角是以北方为基准,顺时针为正:正北为0,正东为π/2,正南为π,正西为3π/2。 示例 默认调用: SELECT degrees(ST_Azimuth('POINT(0 0)'::geometry,'POINT(0 -1)'::geometry)); degrees --- 180 (1 row) 上一篇:ST_Area下一篇:ST_Angle 文档推荐 ...
float ST_Azimuth(geometry pointA , geometry pointB); float ST_Azimuth(geography pointA , geography pointB); 参数 参数名称描述 pointA 第一个点。 pointB 第二个点。 描述 如果两个点重合,则返回NULL。 方位角是以北方为基准,顺时针为正:正北为0,正东为π/2,正南为π,正西为3π/2。 示例 默认调...
The present Invention relates to a system for determining the values of the angles of Elevation and azimuth of the Parabolic antennas that wish to communicate with any Geostationary satelliteWhich incBERNARDO JOSE MARTINEZ AVALOSRODOLFO NERI VELA...
PURPOSE: To provide a wristwatch with an electronic azimuth indicator that is able to indicate a highly accurate azimuth indication. ;CONSTITUTION: In a wristwatch with an electronic azimuth indicator, being equipped with a geomagnetic sensor 102 consisting of both first and second magnetic needles ...
ST_Azimuth gibt den nordbasierten kartesischen Azimut unter Verwendung von 2D-Projektionen der zwei Eingabepunkte zurück.
This topic describes the ST_Azimuth function. This function calculates the azimuth from one point to another. The azimuth is an angle that rotates in the clockwise direction starting from the north. Syntax float ST_Azimuth(geometry pointA , geometry pointB); float ST_Azimuth(geography pointA ,...