I 'm trying to use RTXLidar. I created config file as below. It has the azimuth deg settings from -135 to 135. { "class": "sensor", "type": "lidar", "name": "UST-30LX", &q
The pitching push rod built-in type super 360 degrees azimuth limited angle radar antenna seat can be used for different radar platforms.原星武王为新陈立平
解读如下航行通告(C2847/14NOTAMRC7297/13Q)UUYY/QOBCE/IV/M/AE/000/999/A)UUYYB)1405250845C)1411222000ESTE)CRANEERECTEDATPSN:AZIMUTHTRUE238.5DEG,DIST890MFMARP,HGT(37)M,ALT140M,DAYMARKINGANDOBSTLGTNOTAVBL.) A、由14年第2847份C系列航行通告取消13年第7297份C系列航行通告,瑟克特夫卡尔机场,自14年...
First, the modeling includes rays from the whole 360/spl deg/ azimuth angles. Second, it verifies that the use of three-dimensional and two-dimensional methods in the forward and other reflection and diffraction propagation directions, respectively, is appropriate for the LOS propagation predictions....