输入以下命令,完成通过stlink的烧录工作。 st-flash write led2.bin0x8000000 图片3.2 st-flash 进行程序烧写结果 完成后应该能看到stm32板子上的灯亮了。【李华完成了单片机朋友的委托 :) 】 以上是全部的过程了,中间可能会涉及到很多工具的安装,包括VSCODE当中需要使用的Cmake等插件、在Linux上编译ARM程序的交叉...
void STMFLASH_Write_NoCheck(uint32_t WriteAddr,uint16_t *PDataBuf,uint16_t Num){ uint16_t ...
Flash: 0x10000 bytes (64 KiB) in pages of 1024 bytes Mass erasing $USER@$DEVICE:/$LOCAL_PATH:/$LOCAL_PATH/git/stlink$ /$LOCAL_PATH/git/stlink/build/Release/st-flash write /$LOCAL_PATH/Blinker/
stlink commandline tool name: [st-flash write] Target chip (and board, if applicable): [NUCLEO-H7A3ZI-Q] Further we kindly ask you to describe the detected problem as detailed as possible and to add debug output if available, by using the following template: Commandline output: Here is...
* 函数 : STM32FLASH_STATUS STM32FLASH_WriteMultipledWord(u32 faddr, u32 data[], u32 ...
I am currently exploring the read/write capacities of a STM32F103. Basically, I am trying to write a value at a desired memory address and then write protect it but there seems to be a probleme with the FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte() function as it always return 0xFFFFFFFF. This is...
The values will be dynamically changed, so every time I want to write these 2 byte of values on FLASH memory and every power ON or System Reset, I want to Read that values from Flash Memory. Before writing any values if i read the Flash memory, I'm getting some garbage values. After...
5 关闭掉刚打开的attach.bat,双击flash_write.bat,此命令会将当前目录下的flash_image.bin写入到目标芯片中,我们这里已经提前生成好了一个128KB的测试镜像 (PS:所有的脚本内就是一条openocd命令,镜像的名字也可改成变量在DOS命令行中配置,对bat脚本编程实在提不起兴趣,bat脚本甚至无法像linux一样,用 \ 连接同...
08.2017 10:42:14.288, Warning, Core::PpcJtagTargIntf, Write access to memory range 0x00000000...
The roloFlash family of portable in-circuit programmers writes microcontroller flash memory without PCs. It features a lightweight and very small form factor, as well as powerful scriptability. This makes roloFlash ideal for flexible field service and production workflow integration. Since roloFlash ...