输入以下命令,完成通过stlink的烧录工作。 st-flash write led2.bin0x8000000 图片3.2 st-flash 进行程序烧写结果 完成后应该能看到stm32板子上的灯亮了。【李华完成了单片机朋友的委托 :) 】 以上是全部的过程了,中间可能会涉及到很多工具的安装,包括VSCODE当中需要使用的Cmake等插件、在Linux上编译ARM程序的交叉...
writeEEPROM(address, data); // 向EEPROM中写入数据 uint32_t readData = readEEPROM(address); // 从EEPROM中读出数据 while(1) { // 等待操作完成 } }
解锁前确认状态: 在执行FLASH解锁操作之前,确实应该确认FLASH是否已被锁定。直接对一个未锁定的FLASH执行...
What will be the next step for debuggingst-flash? I can usest-utilin the meantime, but we will needst-flashwhen we hit production. pi@pi-0c:~/ws/stlink/build/Release/bin $ ./st-flash write ~/ws/uC/release_STM32T_UFBGA.bin 0x08000000 st-flash 1.6.1-1-gbaab8ca-dirty libusb:...
Hello. I try to load firmare in STM32F103CBT6 using compiled st-flash.exe utility under windows 8.1. There is used command: st-flash.exe write ${project_name}.bin 0x08000000 Here is result: Flash page at addr: 0x08000000 erased Flash pag...
WriteAddr+=2;//地址增加2.} } //从指定地址开始写入指定长度的数据 //WriteAddr:起始地址(此地址...
I am currently exploring the read/write capacities of a STM32F103. Basically, I am trying to write a value at a desired memory address and then write protect it but there seems to be a probleme with the FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte() function as it always return 0xFFFFFFFF. This is...
5 关闭掉刚打开的attach.bat,双击flash_write.bat,此命令会将当前目录下的flash_image.bin写入到目标芯片中,我们这里已经提前生成好了一个128KB的测试镜像 (PS:所有的脚本内就是一条openocd命令,镜像的名字也可改成变量在DOS命令行中配置,对bat脚本编程实在提不起兴趣,bat脚本甚至无法像linux一样,用 \ 连接同...
The roloFlash family of portable in-circuit programmers writes microcontroller flash memory without PCs. It features a lightweight and very small form factor, as well as powerful scriptability. This makes roloFlash ideal for flexible field service and production workflow integration. Since roloFlash ...
The values will be dynamically changed, so every time I want to write these 2 byte of values on FLASH memory and every power ON or System Reset, I want to Read that values from Flash Memory. Before writing any values if i read the Flash memory, I'm getting some garbage values. After...