输入以下命令,完成通过stlink的烧录工作。 st-flash write led2.bin0x8000000 图片3.2 st-flash 进行程序烧写结果 完成后应该能看到stm32板子上的灯亮了。【李华完成了单片机朋友的委托 :) 】 以上是全部的过程了,中间可能会涉及到很多工具的安装,包括VSCODE当中需要使用的Cmake等插件、在Linux上编译ARM程序的交叉...
whs@whs-hp:~/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.6.1/Cube_fl03_led/Debug$ sudo st-flash write Cube_...
FLASH_Lock(); // 锁定Flash } // 向EEPROM中写入32位数据 void writeEEPROM(uint32_t address, uint32_t data) { FLASH_Unlock(); // 解锁Flash // 确定写入数据所在的页 uint32_t pageAddress = address & ~(FLASH_PAGE_SIZE - 1); if (pageAddress < EEPROM_START_ADDRESS || pageAddress > ...
Flash流程 下载stlink /opt/homebrew/bin/brew —install stlink 记得把st-link的bin目录加到PATH环境变量里 修改Makefile 在最后加上以下代码 flash: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin st-flash write $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin 0x08000000 st-flash reset 之后插上stlink连接好开发版即可进行测试了,执行...
What will be the next step for debuggingst-flash? I can usest-utilin the meantime, but we will needst-flashwhen we hit production. pi@pi-0c:~/ws/stlink/build/Release/bin $ ./st-flash write ~/ws/uC/release_STM32T_UFBGA.bin 0x08000000 st-flash 1.6.1-1-gbaab8ca-dirty libusb:...
Hello. I try to load firmare in STM32F103CBT6 using compiled st-flash.exe utility under windows 8.1. There is used command: st-flash.exe write ${project_name}.bin 0x08000000 Here is result: Flash page at addr: 0x08000000 erased Flash pag...
Define stultification. stultification synonyms, stultification pronunciation, stultification translation, English dictionary definition of stultification. tr.v. stul·ti·fied , stul·ti·fy·ing , stul·ti·fies 1. To cause to lose interest or feel dull
stlinkv1 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] [--reset] [--format<format>] [--flash=<fsize>] {read|write} /dev/sgX<path><addr><size>stlinkv1 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] /dev/sgX erase stlinkv2 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] [--reset] [--serial<serial>] [...
I am currently exploring the read/write capacities of a STM32F103. Basically, I am trying to write a value at a desired memory address and then write protect it but there seems to be a probleme with the FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte() function as it always return 0xFFFFFFFF. This is...