一般4096_st_this_vp.pagesize =getpagesize();//获取时间,微妙_st_this_vp.last_clock =st_utime();//创建ide线程:主要用来处理io事件和定时器_st_this_vp.idle_thread =st_thread_create(_st_idle_thread_start,
} for (unsigned int i=0; i<10; i++) { if (st_thread_create(_thread, NULL, 0, 0) == NULL) { perror("st_thread_create"); exit(1); } } st_thread_exit(NULL); return 0; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. out: thread: 140727908825184thread: 140727...
在st的thread中退出后,会切换到其他thread(st创建的线程stack是重新建立的,无法返回后继续执行)。 st创建的thread,结束后会调用st_thread_exit,参考_st_thread_main的定义,这个就是thread执行的主要流程。 st在初始化st_init时,会把当前的线程当作_ST_FL_PRIMORDIAL,也就是初始化线程,这个线程若调用exit,等待其他...
ptds:这个是thread的private_data,是12个指针(ST_KEYS_MAX指定),参考st_key_create()。 trd:thread结构本身也是在这个stack中分配的。 pad+align:在trd之后是对齐和pad(_ST_STACK_PAD_SIZE指定)。 sp:这个就是thread真正的stack了。 coroutine必须要自己分配stack,因为setjmp保存的只是sp的值,而没有全部copy栈,...
Security by DMA Channel Thread IP Configuration Options Programming Guide for DMA Controller Startup Example: Start-up Controller Execute a DMA Transfer Interrupt Service Routine Example: IRQ Interrupt Service Routine Example: IRQ_ABORT Interrupt Service Routine Register Overview Programming ...
st_thread_exit(NULL); return 0; Contributor suzp1984 Mar 24, 2024 st_destroy() missing? Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Reviewers suzp1984 At least 1 approving review is required to merge this pull request. Assi...
使用SPI+DMA要进行的配置 RTT部分 1.启动RTT设备驱动。点击自己的程序 -》RT-Thread Setting,启动SPI...
StThread::sleep(10);if(myToQuit) {return; } } myStApp =newStImageViewer(myResMgr, myParentWin,newStOpenInfo());if(!myStApp->open()) { myStApp.nullify();return; }boolisFullscreen =false; myIsActive =true;for(;;) {if(myStApp->closingDown()) { ...
Introduction There are many possible ways to access the System Bootloader in STM32 devices and, in this tutorial, we will cover how to easily perform