在“圣杰罗姆”这篇文章中有讲),它将《希伯来圣经》从“圣经希伯来语( Biblical Hebrew,希伯来语的一种古老形式)”和“圣经亚拉姆语(Biblical Aramaic)”翻译成“通用希腊语(Koine Greek)”,具体来说,就是“犹太方言为主的共通希腊语(Jewish Koiné Greek)”。
Welcome to St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church in Canton, Ohio. St. Haralambos is a church on the move since 1913.
Greek Orthodox Church of St. George (Mari Girgis)St. George's church 1.9 热度 4.3分 3条点评 Nearby Roman Fortress Old (Coptic) Cairo, Cairo 11511 Egypt 地图·周边 用户点评(3)查看全部 4.3/5分 好评3 多多 4分 满意 位在地铁站出口即可看到这座古老的希腊东正教教堂,紧邻科普特博物馆...
多伦多教堂很多,基本上每个人口多一点的地方就会有一个教堂。但大型的教堂主要在多伦多市区。这个教堂位于市区中心,应该是一所东正教的教堂,我在多伦多还是看到的唯一的一个。建筑物和其他教堂不一样,当时教堂内部在维修,我们没有进入。 138***7682 5分 超棒 好美的地方。喜欢的不行。喜欢喜欢。 暂无回答 不知道...
Visitors Welcome to St. George Greek Orthodox Church, where ancient Christianity meets the warmth and hospitality of East Tennessee. Rooted in the teachings of Christ and the traditions of the Early Church, we invite you to join us in worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Whether you are ...
An integral part of our Orthodox worship is lighting a candle as we enter the Church. Prayers are important especially during this difficult time. Our church doors are now open in limited capacity (see above). If you're not able to attend quite yet, you can still have candles lit and pr...
Welcome to St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church. Through this web site, we are pleased to introduce you to our faith, our community and our many ministries. If you are a new member of our parish, or are considering membership, these web pages will acquaint you with what our parish offers to...
For over 100 years,St. George Greek Orthodox Church has served as a beacon of Christian lightin a city that brought electricity to the world! And we invite everyone to "come and see" by attending our regular Sunday (9:30 AM) Divine Liturgy service. ...
monastic establishments of ancient Christianity, preserving intact the wisdom of the holy fathers and the sacred tradition of the ancient Church. Today, the Holy Mountain consists of 20 independent monasteries, and numerous sketes and hermitages, housing Orthodox Christian monks from all over the ...
St George Greek Orthodox Church 1.9明日9:00-12:00开放 实用攻略 43816 Woodward Ave, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302, United States 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Babo 西餐 直线距离32.4km DraftKings Sports &...