Welcome to St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church in Canton, Ohio. St. Haralambos is a church on the move since 1913.
在“圣杰罗姆”这篇文章中有讲),它将《希伯来圣经》从“圣经希伯来语( Biblical Hebrew,希伯来语的一种古老形式)”和“圣经亚拉姆语(Biblical Aramaic)”翻译成“通用希腊语(Koine Greek)”,具体来说,就是“犹太方言为主的共通希腊语(Jewish Koiné Greek)”。
Discover St. Catherine Orthodox Church, a vibrant community of Orthodox Christians. Join us for worship and fellowship. Find an Orthodox church near you.
Discover St. Catherine Orthodox Church, a vibrant community of Orthodox Christians. Join us for worship and fellowship. Find an Orthodox church near you.
Welcome to St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church. Through this web site, we are pleased to introduce you to our faith, our community and our many ministries. If you are a new member of our parish, or are considering membership, these web pages will acquaint you with what our parish offers to...
Online Service We are a Greek Orthodox parish, part of the oldest Christian tradition dating back to 33 A.D., the day of Pentecost.We trace our roots back to the Apostles and their teachings.We are a stronghold of the moral, theological, liturgical and s
Welcome to St. George Greek Orthodox Church "Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." - Romans 15:7 For over 100 years,St. George Greek Orthodox Church has served as a beacon of Christian lightin a city that brought electricity to the worl...
Church Ministries Stained Glass Window ~ St. George Entrance The Ministries of St. George Greek Orthodox Church Altar Servers:All practicing Orthodox Christian males (over age 7 AND adults) are encouraged to serve in the altar. Those interested in serving should speak directly with the Parish Prie...
Greek Orthodox Church of St. George (Mari Girgis)St. George's church 1.9 热度 4.3分 3条点评 Nearby Roman Fortress Old (Coptic) Cairo, Cairo 11511 Egypt 地图·周边 用户点评(3)查看全部 4.3/5分 好评3 多多 4分 满意 位在地铁站出口即可看到这座古老的希腊东正教教堂,紧邻科普特博物馆...
St. George Greek Orthodox Church High Point, NC Home About Us Patron Saint Our Faith The Orthodox Church House of God Worship Liturgy The Sacraments Special Services Teachings Spirituality Links History The Church Contact Us January 2025 Bulletin ...