Gabby和Carlos在St Barts度假的场景真是让人羡慕不已。这个岛真的是全球海岛度假的天花板,少有人能有机会去。St Barts的全名是Saint Barthélemy,位于加勒比海,是一个法国殖民地。整个岛屿只有8英里长,风景如画,非常小。因为它免税,所以被称为“有钱人的血拼天堂”。你可以把它理解成一个上流社会的入场券。从纽约...
All the best ways to reach St Barts: Private Jet Charter, Helicopter Transfer, Private Boat, Ferry Services and Flight including Travel Restrictions.
La Compagnie’s All-Business-Class Plane Now Flies Directly From Newark to the Caribbean The French airline is now landing in St. Maarten, a skip from St. Barts and Anguilla. By Katie Jackson VALENTINE'S DAY GIFTS A collection of gifts that are as unique as your valentine, created by ...
I drove my family to Maho beach to get a photo with a couple planes landing. We parked for free on the side of the airport before the beach. Total time of 20 minutes was more than enough. I don't recommend anyone spend the day at this beach of they are getting o...
这次探店St. Barts,原本没有抱太大期望。毕竟,这家餐厅的名字取自旁边那座有着九百年历史且从未被炸毁的教堂,让人觉得有点老派。不过,它确实物超所值,发挥稳定。餐厅装修新,景观也很美,但木头椅子坐起来有点不舒服。英国餐厅的前菜通常比主菜好吃,这家也不例外。Lobster bun可以一口气炫个七八个,青椒搭配Lang...
Saw Marigot from the water, Snorkeled at Creole Rock and Tintamarre island (saw one large turtle), lunch at Grand Case and then a short stop to watch planes landing at Maho beach before returning. Side note... This is a speed boat and you will...
Being a tiny island, St Barts Island cannot afford space for airplanes with more than 20-seats. You can also arrive by boat from St Maarten.
Planes landing at the airport pass very close over the beach, creating a thrilling experience for sunbathers and plane enthusiasts alike. 5. Cultural Diversity: The island's population is incredibly diverse, with a mix of Afro-Caribbean, European, and other cultures. This diversity is reflected...