Gabby和Carlos在St Barts度假的场景真是让人羡慕不已。这个岛真的是全球海岛度假的天花板,少有人能有机会去。St Barts的全名是Saint Barthélemy,位于加勒比海,是一个法国殖民地。整个岛屿只有8英里长,风景如画,非常小。因为它免税,所以被称为“有钱人的血拼天堂”。你可以把它理解成一个上流社会的入场券。从纽约...
All the best ways to reach St Barts: Private Jet Charter, Helicopter Transfer, Private Boat, Ferry Services and Flight including Travel Restrictions.
St Barts Gustaf III Airport was named after King Gustav III of Sweden. (Sweden bought the island from France in 1785 under the reign of King Gustav, it was later sold back to France). The airport opened in 1984. Landing at St Barts Airport Your views on St Barts Airport In our recent...
Among one of the busiest and most popular beaches on St. Barts is the beautiful St. Jean Beach. Located at the foot of the St. Barts airport landing strip. At the center of this beach is the popularPearl Beach Hotel. The far western portion of this beach is roped off because the runw...
Private Villa Rentals hosts over 800 villas in St. Barts. View our collection, and find your luxury villa vacation.
ST BARTS full day private charter 1 Day Trips from $2,843 per group (up to 8) Anguilla Beach Hopping Private Charter 1 Day Trips from $1,400 per adult *Likely to sell out: Based on Viator’s booking data and information from the provider from the past...
这次探店St. Barts,原本没有抱太大期望。毕竟,这家餐厅的名字取自旁边那座有着九百年历史且从未被炸毁的教堂,让人觉得有点老派。不过,它确实物超所值,发挥稳定。餐厅装修新,景观也很美,但木头椅子坐起来有点不舒服。英国餐厅的前菜通常比主菜好吃,这家也不例外。Lobster bun可以一口气炫个七八个,青椒搭配Lang...
your yacht charter include a visit to the Sunset Bar & Grill or the Driftwood Boat Bar, both located right at the beginning of the runway of St. Maarten's international airport on Maho Beach. Nowhere in the world will you ever be that close to large jets taking off and landing as here...