SSPC-SP1溶剂清理(翻译)SSPC-SP 1 November 1, 1982 Editorial Changes September 1, 2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SSPC:保护涂层协会 SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 1 表面处理规范NO. 1 Solvent Cleaning 溶济清洗 1. Scope 1.范围 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for...
表面处理前、后的溶济清洗 3.1 Prior to solvent cleaning, remove foreign matter (other than grease and oil) by one or a combination of the following: brush with stiff fiber or wire brushes, abrade, scrape, or clean with solutions of appropriate cleaners, provided such cleaners are followed by...
SSPC-SP1 溶剂清理(翻译)备课讲稿.doc,SSPC-SP 1 November 1, 1982 Editorial Changes September 1, 2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SSPC:保护涂层协会 SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 1 表面处理规范 NO. 1 Solvent Cleaning 溶济清洗 1. Scope
1Solvent Cleaning溶济清洗1. Scope1. 范围This specification covers the requirements for the solvent cleaning of steel surfaces.本规范涵盖了钢铁表面的溶剂清洗的要求。2. Defin 2、ition2. 定义Solvent cleaning is a method for removing all visible oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and...
SSPC-SP1 November1,1982 EditorialChangesSeptember1,2000 SSPC:TheSocietyforProtectiveCoatings SSPC:保护涂层协会 SURFACEPREPARATIONSPECIFICATIONNO.1 表面处理规范NO.1 SolventCleaning 溶济清洗 1.Scope 1.范围 1.1Thisspecificationcoverstherequirementsforthesolventcleaningofsteelsurfaces. ...
49SSPC-SP 1November 1, 1982Editorial Changes September 1, 2000SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsSURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 1Solvent Cleaning1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the requirements for thesolvent cleaning of steel surfaces.2. Definition2.1 Solvent cleaning is a method fo...
Why is Solvent Cleaning Important? SSPC-SP1 is an essential requirement because it is done before surface preparations such asSSPC-SP 10/NACE No. 2 near-white blast cleaningorSSPC-SP 5/NACE No. 1 white metal blast cleaning. Surface preparation is the removal of rust, scale, or paint off ...
sspc sp1-2000 下载积分: 1100 内容提示: 49SSPC-SP 1November 1 , 1 982Editorial Changes September 1 , 2000SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsSURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 1Solvent Cleaning1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the requirements for thesolvent cleaning of steel surfaces.2...
SSPC SP1-1982 国外国际规范.pdf,SSPC-SP 1 November 1, 1982 Editorial Changes September 1, 2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 1 Solvent Cleaning 1. Scope 4.1.5 Emulsion or alkaline cleaners may be used in p