内容提示: SSPC-SP 1 November 1, 1982 Editorial Changes September 1, 2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 1 Solvent Cleaning 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for the solvent cleaning of steel surfaces. 2. Definition 2.1 Solvent ...
SSPC‑SP 1 November 1, 1982 Editorial Changes September 1, 2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 1 Solvent Cleaning 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for the solvent cleaning of steel surfaces. 4.1.5 Emulsion or alkaline cleaners...
内容提示: SSPC-SP 1 April 23, 2015SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsSurface Preparation Standard No. 1Solvent Cleaning1. Scope1.1 This standard def i nes the end-condition of a metal surface from which visible deposits of oil, grease, and other visible contaminants have been removed in...
SSPC SP 1-2015(2016) 2015年 总页数 2页 发布单位 / 引用标准 ASTM F21 适用范围 本标准定义了金属表面上去除可见的油、油脂及其他污染物后,以准备后续应用防护涂层或使用额外方法清理表面前的状态。标准还包括实现并验证此最终状态所需材料和程序的要求。
2-55SSPC-SP 1 November 1 , 1982 Editorial Revisions November 1 ,2004 of thisspeci,cation Thetablebelowl iststhesubjectsdiscussed relevant to solventcleaning and the appropriate Commentary section SectionSubject SSPC-SPCOMSection Solvents and Cleaners 51 1 through 51 3SteamCleaning 51 4ThresholdLimit...
表面处理注释不属于本规范。下表列出了与溶剂清洗相关的主题以及适当的评论部分。SSPC-SPCOMSSPC-SP 1November 1, 1982Editorial Changes September 1, 2000Subject SSPC-SP COM SectionSolvents and Cleaners . throughCleaning . LimitValues .Thickness . 1O*Notes are not requirements of this specification....
溶剂清洗, Solvent Cleaning, 提供SSPC SP 1-2015的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有PDF)以及下载地址(如果可以下载)。
4.1 在非金属表面进行刷清喷砂前,应依据SSPC-SP1或其他指定方法去除所有可见的油、脂,或其他会影响油漆附着力的污染物。4.2表面瑕疵应纠正至工艺文件(项目规范)所规定的范围。关于表面瑕疵的附加说明请参考附录A第A2段。4.3 镀锌表面独特的要求 4.3.1 在喷砂前,检查镀锌表面白膜的状态。喷砂不应用于去除...
SSPC-SP 1 solvent cleaning is a specification that the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) has placed in order to prevent premature coating failure.
SSPC SP-1-1982 E2004 1号表面预处理规范 溶剂清洗 中文版1、标准规范翻译版均为PDF或Word电子版供货,无纸质版。付款后邮箱附件或QQ附件发送。单次或累计十年标准规范翻译专业资料翻译经验,质量保证。了解详情请致电咨询:010-61217445,QQ/微信北京博诚行标企业管理咨询