List<Member> getMemberListByKey(@Param("search_option")String searchOption,@Param("search_key")String searchKey); MySQL: 最开始使用#{ },出现 Parameter index out of range (2 > number of parameters, which is 1) 错误, 原因是因为,#{ } 带单引号,${ } 不带单引号,将#换成$即可解决 SQL语...
search"> 查询 删除 新增 # <
根据数据库的字段(id,name,number),编写实体(entity)类,定义好每个对象的属性 entity.Department AI检测代码解析 public class Department { private Integer id; private String name; private Integer number; public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { = id; } publi...
1.页面用bootstrapTable实现(配置查询的参数即可),前提得引入bootstrapTable的css,js functionload(){vartypeid = $("#typeid").val(); $('#exampleTable').bootstrapTable({method:'get',// 服务器数据的请求方式 get or posturl :"xxx/base/supSupt/list",// 服务器数据的加载地址iconSize :'outline'...
The ValidationSearchCriteria complex type specifies the search parameters to use to retrieve validation issues. The
ValidationStatus: Specifies the cumulative business rule evaluation status of the version. VersionFlagId: Specifies theIdentifiercomplex type. VersionNumber: Specifies the integer identifier for the version. This value is set by the system. VersionStatus: Specifies theVersionStatussimple type....
).get("ROLE_STUDENT").getRoleId(), pageUser);Page<Question> pageQuestion = new Page<Question>();pageQuestion.setPageNo(1);pageQuestion.setPageSize(1);QuestionFilter qf = new QuestionFilter();qf.setFieldId(0);qf.setKnowledge(0);qf.setQuestionType(0);qf.setTag(0);qf.setSearchParam(...
pageNumber: 1, //初始化加载第一页,默认第一页 pageSize: 5, //每页的记录行数(*) pageList: [2, 3, 5, 10], //可供选择的每页的行数(*) search: true, //是否显示表格搜索,此搜索是客户端搜索,不会进服务端,所以,个人感觉意义不大 ...
id number primary key, act varchar2(30) not null, pwd varchar2(30) not null, birth date ); --drop sequence seq_Userinfo create sequence seq_Userinfo start with 1 --起始值是1 increment by 1 --增长的值 maxvalue 999999999 --序列号的最大值 ...
The TransactionSearchCriteria complex type represents the criteria used to get the Master Data Manager transactions. The