证书策略(Certificate Policies):输入证书必须符合的证书策略OID或OID列表。使用逗号或空格分隔OID。 Expiration TTL:指定证书到期的天数。 Friendly Name:输入证书的友好名称。如果未指定名称,思科ISE会自动创建格式的名称,<common name> # <issuer> # <nnnnn> 其中<nnnnn> 是唯一的5位数字。
我们以用于IIS Express的ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificate举例,根据证书的颁发者Issuer或FriendlyName来查找该证书。 X509Store store =newX509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, OpenFlags.ReadOnly); X509Certificate2? wantedCertificate =null;foreach(varcertificateinstore.Certificates) {if(...
Create a free certificate, import an App Service certificate, import a Key Vault certificate, or buy an App Service certificate in Azure App Service.
Create a free certificate, import an App Service certificate, import a Key Vault certificate, or buy an App Service certificate in Azure App Service.
Friendly name: Type a friendly name for the certificate. This is not part of the certificate; instead, it is used to identify the certificate. Note: We recommend that you add the issuing CA (e.g., DigiCert) and the expiration date to the end of your friendly name; for example, your...
friendlyName: SSLCert 2.16.840.1.113894.746875.1.1: <Unsupported tag 6> subject=O = ibm, CN = xyz.com issuer=O = ibm, CN = xyz.com ---BEGIN CERTIFICATE--- MIIB/zCCAWigAwIBAgIIBWpYNRJhFI4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQENBQAwIDEMMAoGA1UE ChMDaW...
Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority Certificatesに移動します。展開内の各ノードで、Friendly Name列にCertificate Services Endpoint Sub CAが含まれる証明書を選択します。Viewをクリックし、証明書のステータスが適切であり、表示されていることを確認します。
IIS中的SSL Certificate 证书配置 一,关于证书的安装: 1. 如果已有通用证书,则直接导入即可,步骤是:IIS根目录->Server Certificates->Import 2. 如果要申请创建新的通用证书,可以网上搜索申请步骤,这里不讨论。 3. 如果是本地环境,则可以创建自签名证书,方法很简单:IIS根目录->Server Certificates->Create Self-...
A single SSL certificate secures a single domain name. However, many businesses need a solution that secures multiple domain names or subdomains. For these businesses, the SSL protocol provides two different solutions: a wildcard SSL certificate or a multi-domain SSL certificate. Here’s how they...