The standard defines that single SSL Certificates can only use single Common Name. This means an SSL certificate can be used for a single Host Name + Domain Name. In order to solve this limitation Subject Alternative Name is created. SAN is used to defined multi-name or muti Common Names i...
OpenSSL can be used to create a certificate request that uses the SubjectAltName extension to support multiple domain names with a single certificate, however it requires a configuration file. The following steps walk through creating a configuration file, and then using it to request a certificate....
证书颁发机构(Certificate Authority,CA): 颁发证书的受信任机构的名称,证明了证书的合法性。 CA 的数字签名(CA Signature): 用于验证证书真实性的数字签名,确保证书未被篡改。 关联的子域(Subject Alternative Names,SANs): 如果证书用于保护多个域名或子域,这里会列出所有相关的域名。 证书颁发日期(Valid From): 证...
we’ll go over Shared Certificates, Wildcard Certificates, and Multi-Domain Certificates. All of these act like a standard SSL certificate, but they also offer features. If you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment below so that we can give you the answers you need. Thanks. ...
CloseableHttpClient client=null;try{ SSLContext sslContext=null; sslContext=newSSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(null,newTrustStrategy() { @OverridepublicbooleanisTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)throwsCertificateException {returntrue; ... Certificate doesn't match any of the subject alternative names,问题:在使用 org.apache.http.*下的 CloseableHttpClient发送https请求时报了以上错误解决方案一:使用解决方案二:在创建SSLConnectionSocketFa
SAN: Subject Alternative Name certificates lets you use a single SSL certificate to protect multiple domain names. For example, I could use an SAN certificate to These may also be called Unified Communications Certificates (UCC). ...
A LDAP server can be reached by multiple DNS names ( The SSL certificate for the LDAP server includes Subject Alternative Name (subjectAltName) extension using the*wildcard character for a partial match of the left-most DNS label (e.g.ldap*...
Subject alternative name (SAN) is an extension to the SSL Protocol; it allows various values to be associated with an SSL certificate using alternative names, for example: ● Email addresses ● IP addresses ● DNS names or Common Name RDN ...
Multi-domain SSL certificate While wildcard SSL certificates help a website owner secure subdomains within a single domain, multi-domain SSL certificates (MDC) can secure multiple domain names at once. Additional domains can be added to a multi-domain cert via “subject alternative names” (SANs...