sed -i.bak 'xd' ~/.ssh/known_hosts 注意:将xd中的x替换成相应的数字(行号)。 参考 是否可以从SSH的known_hosts文件中删除特定的主机密钥? - Ubuntu问答 ( Is it possible to remove a particular host key from SSH's known_hosts file? - Ask Ubuntu...
3.StrictHostKeyChecking=yes #最安全的级别,如果连接与key不匹配,就拒绝连接,不会提示详细信息 参考: 方案二: SSH stores the host keys of the remote hosts in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. You can either edit that text file manually and remove the old k...
-R hostname Remove host from known_hosts file. -r hostname Print DNS resource record. -S start Start point (hex) for generating DH-GEX moduli. -s ca_key Certify keys with CA key. -T file Screen candidates for DH-GEX moduli. -t type Specify typeofkey to create. -u Update KRL rat...
如果你的known_hosts 档案仍未被hash,你可以打"ssh-keygen -H" 贴一个用于清理内网主机的密钥缓存的脚本 [Copy to clipboard][ - ]CODE:purge() { usage() { echo "*** cleanup the specified host key cache in .ssh/known_hosts ***" echo "Usage: purge 16.18" #return # cannot return in a b...
SSH stores the host keys of the remote hosts in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. You can either edit that text file manually and remove the old key (you can see the line number in the error message) ssh-keygen -R hostname Removes all keys belonging to hostname from a known_hosts file. This opt...
Offending key for IP in /home/josir/.ssh/known_hosts:32Matching host key in /home/josir/.ssh/known_hosts:166 I tried to remove all bitbucket keys: ssh-keygen -R and replay the process. But the same problem occurs. I also noticed that "curl ...
用OpenSSH的人都知ssh会把你每个你访问过计算机的公钥(public key)都记录在~/.ssh/known_hosts。当下次访问相同计算机时,OpenSSH会核对公钥。如果公钥不同,OpenSSH会发出警告,避免你受到DNSHijack之类的攻击。 SSH对主机的public_key的检查等级是根据StrictHostKeyChecking变量来配置的。默认情况下,StrictHostKeyCheckin...
加载本地公秘钥校验文件,默认为~/.ssh/known_hosts load_system_host_keys(self,filename) fielname str :制定远程主机公钥记录文件 4、set_missing_host_key_policy 连接主机没有本地主机秘钥或者HostKeys对象时策略,目前支持三种:AutoAddPolicy,RejectPolicy,WarningPolicy ...
From a Pipeline job, use thesshagentstep. steps { sshagent(credentials: ['ssh-credentials-id']) { sh'''[ -d ~/.ssh ] || mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 0700 ~/.sshssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hostsssh ...'''} } ...
Strict host key checking Specify how to handle new and changed host keys. Yes: Never add new host keys to the user's known_hosts file and never allow connections to hosts with changed host keys. Accept New: Always add new host keys to the user's known_hosts file but never allow connec...