sed -i.bak 'xd' ~/.ssh/known_hosts 注意:将xd中的x替换成相应的数字(行号)。 参考 是否可以从SSH的known_hosts文件中删除特定的主机密钥? - Ubuntu问答 ( Is it possible to remove a particular host key from SSH's known_hosts file? - Ask Ubuntu ...
I got some error message like this:[bash] The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is 5c:9b:16:56:a6:cd:11:10:3a:cd:1b:a2:91:cd:e5:1c. Please contact your system administrator. Add correct host key in /Users/user/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. ...
I got some error message like this: [bash] The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is 5c:9b:16:56:a6:cd:11:10:3a:cd:1b:a2:91:cd:e5:1c. Please contact your system administrator. Add correct host key in /Users/user/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message....
以往当我们确定该次 ssh公钥被更动没有可疑时,我们用文字编辑器开启known_hosts,把相关的公钥记录删掉就可以了。但现在因为所有计算机名称或IP地址都被 hash了,我们很难知道那行是相关计算机的公钥。当然我们可以把整个known_hosts删除,但我们会同时失去其他正常计算机的ssh公钥。 事实上OpenSSH在工具ssh-keygen加了三...
每个SSH用户都有自己的known_hosts文件,此外系统也有一个这样的文件,通常是/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts,保存一些对所有用户都可信赖的远程主机的公钥。 示例3 1、使用密码登录,用户每次都必须输入密码,非常麻烦。好在SSH还提供了公钥登录,可以省去输入密码的步骤。
Matching host key in /home/josir/.ssh/known_hosts:166 I tried to remove all bitbucket keys: ssh-keygen -R and replay the process. But the same problem occurs. I also noticed that "curl" is returning a different...
W7VYm+7GNwzifa0h1l9hFWEzSBelJazMTXSYkBn5xyw.Please contact your system administrator.Add correct host keyin/root/.ssh/known_hosts togetridofthismessage.OffendingECDSAkeyin/root/.ssh/known_hosts:2removewith:ssh-keygen-f"/root/.ssh/known_hosts"-R""ECDSAhost keyfor192.168.110.249...
如果在更改 Windows 10 IoT 核心版设备后看到“远程主机标识已更改”消息,请编辑 C:\Users<username>.ssh\known_hosts 并删除已更改的主机。 另请参阅:Win32-OpenSSH 使用PuTTY 下载SSH 客户端 若要使用 SSH 连接到设备,首先需要下载 SSH 客户端(例如PuTTY)。
If you see aREMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION CHANGEDmessage after making changes to the Windows 10 IoT Core device, then edit C:\Users<username>.ssh\known_hosts and remove the host that has changed. See also:Win32-OpenSSH Using PuTTY Download an SSH client ...
$ ssh-keygen -R hostname:10000 You may need to add braces around the hostname if the previous command does not remove the entry, for example: $ ssh-keygen -R [localhost]:10000 Alternatively, edit the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and remove the entry for the Oracle VM Manager host. ...