When I try to connect to remote server, ssh asks for password, checks it (if I put wrong password it will say "Permission denied") but doesn't let me in: $ ssh user11@123 user11@123's password: nothing happens, and some time later: Read from remote host 123: Connectio...
1st I followed the answer at this thread: How to run ssh-add on windows? 2nd typed this: ssh-add .ssh/gitea_key It worked for git bash, but not for Sourcetree. After turning on the ssh agent, Sourcetree still asks for the password EVERY TIME I open it or close ...
I have been encountering the problem of repeating asking for passwords and not connecting. I've checked other issues, now I could only connect if I delete .vscode-server directory completely before entering password EACH TIME. I need to do it again when I connected to the server and trying ...
SSH asking for password even i have private key: Hi, I am trying to establish connection to server windows machine using RSA key pairs. I have generated key pairs and and also copied my public key to users/myuser/.ssh/authorized_keys and also set the permissions by executing below command...
GIT - connection keeps asking to add ssh-server key and for password Followed by one person Permanently deleted user CreatedNovember 13, 2017 23:02 Everytime I try to push or pull something to/from my GIT-Server, PHPStorm asks me to add the ssh-server key to...
I'm being prompted for a passphrase each time I try to connect with my ssh key. $ ssh user@server.ip -i .ssh/private_key I was given these credentials (private key) by the server admin, so I cannot regenerate the key, and there is nothing wrong with the ...
SSH Key - Still asking for password and passphrase to replace URL using command: git remote set-url origin git@github.com:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git However, because the project repository is locating not in my account (it is located in my company account where I authorized to c...
The SSH client should connect without asking you to type your account password. If you set a passphrase for the key, however, you must type the key passphrase. If you are using a passphrase, you may not want to have to re-type it every time you connect to the remote server. If yo...
ssh --% user1@domain1@contoso.com powershell -c $ConfirmPreference = 'None'; Repair-AuthorizedKeyPermissionC:\Users\user1\ssh\authorized_keysWhen i am trying to connect to that server using ssh agent or by using putty its asking to type password and it is not doing any key based ...
Command attempted: hub create with git config --global hub.protocol ssh What happened: Every time you run this, rather than asking for my ssh key password, like git would when running git push, it asks for my username and password (which...