When I try to connect to remote server, ssh asks for password, checks it (if I put wrong password it will say "Permission denied") but doesn't let me in: $ ssh user11@123 user11@123's password: nothing happens, and some time later: Read from remote host 123: Connectio...
Sorry for the confusion. So, SSH asks for password when I try to connect from the switch and it then WORKS. When I connect from putty from PC it DOESN'T WORK. It doesn't even prompt for password and it says Network error: Software caused connection abort. 1 Helpful ...
Create and put inside file: automatically_interact_with_git_ssh.expect Repalce USERNAME with your linux username. Replace id_ed25519 with your ssh private key filename. #!/usr/bin/expect# get the passwordsetpassphrase [lindex$argv0]# validate#+ the password has a valueif{$passphrase==""}...
I rename ~/.ssh, created a new one, setup a new default key, and created a new known_hosts file. No change. SSH keeps asking for passwords. SSH asks for the passphrase for id_dsa and asks for the site's password. None of that is using default settings. Start with the basic k...
For work, I am SSH-ing into a server. I haven't done this for months, so something has changed where it now asks me for a password. Previously, after authenticating it would work. Here's what I typically write to ssh in: ssh -p2222 username@ I looked at the debug in...
https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh But it still asks me about my username/Token. I figured out that my URL address is HTTPS rather than git@github.com, so I was trying to follow the solution from here: SSH Key - Still asking for pass...
If you want to automate an unattended process (e.g. cron or batch jobs) with SSH, you may notice, that SSH or SCP asks for a password, even from a script. $ scp -q rabbit:/etc/hosts . zahn@rabbit's password: In this article, we show how to manage exactly this situation in a...
Secure Shell provides strong password authentication and public key authentication, as well as encrypted data communications between two computers connecting over an open network, such as the internet. SSH is important for maintaining the security of systems, as the protocol acts as a secure way to...
Configuring public key authentication Normally,scpasks for a password. To avoid this, or to automate file copying in scripts, public key authentication is usually used. The basic idea is to create a key pair on the client and copy the public key to the server into anauthorized keys file. ...
time of creation. When you attempt to log in using an encrypted SSH key, you are prompted to enter its passphrase. This is not to be confused with apassword, as this passphrase only decrypts the key file locally. A passphrase is not transferred over the Internet as a password might ...