Guard's armor is made mostly of leather. Winterhold is an ancient Skyrim capital, which is nowadays practically destroyed, but guards still wear beatiful northern leather-covered armors, that remind of the city's ancient glory. Falkreath is a small town that used to be part of Cyrodiil. It ...
the overall tones of this armor darker than other holds to reflect the dark nature of Dawnstar's environs (vaermina, original of Dawnstar's name, and the dark brotherhood sanctuary). This is NOT a replacer mod, you can still obtain the original Dawnstar Guard armor by using the console...
This mod might conflict with other mods which changes/modifies guard's status or outfit. (even helmets) Stormcloak replacer is not recommended too. === Version 1.2 -I tried to fix the current issue. Modified every armor's pathes(directory) and actually it works on my game...