This is a port of FafnirEterion's Classic Morrowind Morag Tong armor replacer Ported with permission. If you like this mod please give kudos and endorsement to FafnirEterion Description from the Original mod page is below, images all from SE... "...
instead of replacer because all original Alchemy perks are still there - they were just adjusted a little to work flawlessly within the overhauled perk tree which contains over 20 all new witcher-style perks divided (more or less) into 3 branches added in addition to the original vanilla ...
New ETaC will do what it should always have done, and that is towns and nothing else. There will be no changes to vanilla interiors (to maintain compatibility with any mods that make them, ELFX, and etc.) There will be no changes to vanilla NPCs’ actor records (to maintain compatibility...
将Gabby的等级乘数设为1,删除了Hentai Karliah Armor。 V1.3 修复了Innkeeper AI Package小冲突。最大的补充是有声的对话,包括改变她的默认装备或脱帽的脚本。 加比现在跳舞!你可以让Gabby在一些互动之后向你展示她的动作(在我们添加更多任务之前,这主要是一个占位符)。
which takes all the changes I made to the generic Jester's Outfit and recreates them as a separate set that doesn't touch the vanilla outfits at all. Most texture/mesh replacers will still apply to it since it still points at the same places for those. Any replacer that for whatever re...
***The gloves and inner sleeves use vanilla pathed textures, so their appearance will be based on what texture replacers you have installed (If you want to replicate mine, I use Rustic Clothing and Frankfamily's Thieves Guild Replacer, in that order)*** ...