在完成所有性能测试后,我们还测试了SSD发热,测试时停止了主动散热,SSD上也没有覆盖散热片,使用FLIR ONE测量SSD表面温度,并进行两组测试。第一组测试是进入系统后,测试整机待机5分钟后SSD的表面温度,第二组测试是5分钟待机结束后,运行AIAD 64,开启全盘顺序写入测试,测量运行测试10分钟后,SSD的表面温度。在...
To test if Windows is able to recognize the disk drive. If the [Enable device] option does not display that means the disk drive is enabled already, please continue to the next step. Uninstall the driver of disk drive. Right-click the disk drive that is not recognized⑥ and select [...
Type and search [Device Manager] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. Check the arrow next to [Disk drives]③, then right-click the disk drive that is not recognized④ and select [Enable device]⑤. To test if Windows is able to recognize the disk drive. If the [Enabl...
Use Reliable Disk Cloning Software: The cloning tool you use must support boot sector cloning. And there are many free disk cloning software out there for Windows 10. The tool should be able to check the correct boot information (like the Master Boot Record (MBR)...
Here is the video guide to check the S.M.A.R.T. status for a hard drive or SSD in Windows 10: Method #2: Check Bad Sectors In addition to S.M.A.R.T. data, you can also test disk health by checking bad sectors. DiskGenius Free Edition provides the feature tocheck and repair ...
Apply to test all types of SSD drive speeds. Support SSD 4K Alignment. Free Download Windows 11/10/8/7100% Secure It is also a reliable NVMe SSD benchmark software. For the detailed steps of using this powerful tool, click the link below to view more information! How to Run SSD...
Surface device compatibility with Windows 10 Long-Term Servicing Branch Long-Term Servicing Branch for Surface devices Ethernet adapters & Surface deployment Surface System SKU reference Deploy & manage Surface supported operating systems Surface tools Surface IT Toolkit Surface IT Toolkit Recovery Tool Data...
在2020年买了一台惠普战66三代锐龙本,当时标配的系统是Windows 10家庭版,惠普比较奇葩的是出厂默认屏蔽了TPM模块(表现为在BIOS隐藏了TPM,默认是不开启),导致后续Windows 11系统推出后无法直接进行系统升级,因为系统检测到没有TPM2.0,不满足升级条件。 多次更新后检测均提示:这台电脑当前不满足Windows 11系统要求,必须...
QM2-2S10G1T是一款扩展卡,使用的PCIe插槽,拥有2个M.2 SSD插槽,支持10Gbps万兆网口拓展。 它支持以下功能: 1、可弹性安装 M.2 SSD,配置快取存储池或自动分层存储磁盘区。 2、启用 SSD 快取机制提升效能,可搭配 Qtier 技术优化存储空间使用效率。
Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 (with restrictions), Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. The program should not be run from a read-only device/media. User Interface Control elements: Select Drive drop box – contains a list of supported storage devices in a system. The ...