用安兔兔SSD测得数据,写入速度:2417.13 MB/s,读取速度:2779.24 MB/s。 用Open Source Hard Disk Testing Tool,连续读取:2895.90 MB/s,连续写入:1278.85 MB/s。 用AJA System Test测得数据,连续写入:2285 MB/s,连续读取:2453 MB/s。 用三星魔术师(Samsung Magician)测得数据,连续读取:3025 MB/s,连续写入:...
执行命令diskkit capacity -d sd0查询指定SSD设备的当前可用容量。 系统回显示例如下: [root@localhost tool]# diskkit capacity -d sd0 current capacity : 1600.3GB (1600321314816Byte) maximum capacity : 1600.3GB (1600321314816Byte) 若SSD设备总体可用容量(current capacity)在原始可用容量(maximum capacity)的...
第一项测试是Crystal Disk Mark顺序读写测试,长江存储、三星表现基本与官方数据差不多,Solidigm P41 Plus的顺序写入速度比官方数据低了近400 MB/s,英睿达顺序写入速度比官方数据高出1100 MB/s,很可能是SSD更换TLC颗粒后,官方数据没有一同更新。在五款SSD中,顺序读写速度最快的是长江存储,其次是英睿达、三星。
AS SSD Benchmark is a simple utility tool that can help youtest the performance of an SSDdrive. Thefree-to-downloadapplication conducts a series of tests to reveal any problems that your system may have. The Windows 7 and aboveapp is portable, which means that you can store it in a USB...
用Open Source Hard Disk Testing Tool连续读取:520.65 MB/s,连续写入:394.77 MB/s。 鲁大师新版识别出Mac mini Late 2012款的硬件信息。 鲁大师新版的电脑综合性能得分:271296分,击败了全国14%的用户。 总结 这次帮朋友把Mac mini Late 2012整体进行了硬件配置的升级,不管是macOS Catalina(10.15.7)系统还是Windows...
It is a valuable Disk Benchmark tool for every user who wants to apply it to test the workload of their SSD. You can use this tool for all Windows versions, and easy to use. Even if you are non-tech-savvy, it is the one you should not miss. Download it, and you can enjoy ...
BT Auto QC Tool。 BT Auto QC Tool包含ASSSD、BurnInTest、Createpartition、CrystalDiskInfo、Deletepartition、H2test、HDTunePro等七款软件的功能。可简便且全面的测试SSD的性能。接下来简单介绍软件界面及功能: (A)Test AP List 共可控制7 APs. 每个AP可控制自己测试项目开关 (INI Flag). (B)显示当下选的 Te...
Disktest is a tool to check Solid State Disks, Non-Volatile Memory Storage, Hard Disks, USB sticks, SD cards or other storage media for errors. It does so by writing a pseudo random sequence to the device and then reading it back and verifying it to the same pseudo random sequence. ...
HDDScan is a Free test tool for hard disk drives, USB flash, RAID volumes and SSD drives. The utility can check your disk for bad blocks in various test modes (reading, verification, erasing), predicting disk degradation before you have to call data reco
Intel SSD Toolbox(ssd固态硬盘优化工具箱) v3.5.15 官方版 intelssdtoolbox中文版可以说是一款ssd固态硬盘优化软件,官方的翻译是英特尔固态硬盘工具箱,支持许多系列的英特尔品牌SSD,均可以用此来进行管理,新的界面带来了更好的易用性,并且对设备的监控也更加的全面。IntelSSD固态硬盘最新的管理工具,对SSD使用者很好...