接下来是PCMARK与3DMARK两款测试软件,在PCMARK中表现最好的是长江存储,第二是英睿达,而到了3DMARK当中,表现最好的是英睿达,第二是长江存储,二者在两款测试软件中互换了位置。而三星在两款测试软件,所有测试、得分均在末位,与前面测试反差较大。接下来是AJA System Test,它能够模拟存储器读写不同分辨率、编...
· IOL INTERACT Teledyne-LeCroy EDITION Software:高级版本,必须配合LeCroy的PCIe Exerciser和Analyzer使用,能够自动跑完NVMe Conformance Test Suite里面要求的测试,而且能够自动抓取trace以供分析。 链接:https://www.iol.unh.edu/solutions/test-tools/interact 免费是为了更好的收费,UNH-IOL的测试服务,完成下列指定...
EaseUS Partition Master comes at the top of our list as it is compatible with all storage devices to test their performance. It is a valuable Disk Benchmark tool for every user who wants to apply it to test the workload of their SSD. You can use this tool for all Windows versions, ...
用Open Source Hard Disk Testing Tool,连续读取:2964.96 MB/s,连续写入:1355.82 MB/s。 用DiskMark测得数据,写入性能最大:1.21 GB/s,读取性能最大:778.24 MB/s。 使用软媒磁盘大师测得数据,连续读取:1443.07 MB/s,连续写入:1290.45 MB/s。 用Disk Speed Test测得数据,连续写入:1202.0 MB/s,连续读取:1858....
Quarch Technology is a leading supplier of test solutions to the data storage industry. Customers include four of the largest Tier 1 storage vendors and the world's largest supplier of OEM storage Systems. Its unique systems can reduce the the test duration for a development project by 30%,...
It is simple to check the SSD's health using this tool. To check the SSD health, follow these steps: Step 1. Launch EaseUS Partition Master and click the blue arrow to activate the "Disk Health" feature under the "Discovery" section. Step 2. Select the target disk and click the "Ref...
HDDScan is a Free test tool for hard disk drives, USB flash, RAID volumes and SSD drives. The utility can check your disk for bad blocks in various test modes (reading, verification, erasing), predicting disk degradation before you have to call data reco
在Burnin test tool 运行时,发现有“Butterfly seeking skipped for this disk (SSD/NVMe)"的提示信息,因为在测试SSD时,BurnInTest 8.0以后的版本,判断所测的盘不是机械盘(通过identify的word217判断),会跳过此类测试,导致出现提示信息,如果要屏蔽这个提示,在BurninTest tool 中的“BITErrorClassfication”里面,将“...
用Open Source Hard Disk Testing Tool连续读取:520.65 MB/s,连续写入:394.77 MB/s。 鲁大师新版识别出Mac mini Late 2012款的硬件信息。 鲁大师新版的电脑综合性能得分:271296分,击败了全国14%的用户。 总结 这次帮朋友把Mac mini Late 2012整体进行了硬件配置的升级,不管是macOS Catalina(10.15.7)系统还是Windows...
from development to design validation to test and QA. The ability to drive NVMe targets with a wide range of configurable attributes provides engineers with a flexible, scalable tool to simulate real disk and memory access environments and issues. Development, qualification and certification test cycle...