SRY gene directly controls neuronal function in the braintext editorEmerging Infectious Diseases
Key words:sex region of Y chromosome; gene; development 1 SRY基因的寻找历程[1~8] 时代在进步,科技在发展,人们对宇宙的了解越来越多。然而,我们对于地球上最具智慧的生命——人类却知之甚少。What make man a man?这个看似最基本、最简单的性别决定问题却使无数科学家困惑了很久,至今仍是一个没有完全揭...
the logic underpinning this model is that SRY-negative XX maleness occurs at too high a frequency to be explained by gain-of-function mutation in a male sex-determining gene, but rather is more consistent with a loss-of-function mutation in a suppressor of maleness (McElreavey et al., 19...
This is particularly important in the genetic analysis of individuals with DSD where the phenotype is variable and incomplete penetrance is observed, as has been the case in some reported SRY gene variants. In this study, we have demonstrated how SRY gene variants affect its function with varying...
(Sry)is testis—determininggene.It up determination.Inthis considerissuesrelatedto structureand function,its and paper,we Sry expression relevantmolecularmechanismsofsexdetermination. regulation,and wordsl of Sexdetermination;Sox9; [Key Sex—determiningregionY—chromosome(Sry); cell Sertoli ’ Med (.,RP...
13.Bovine Sry Core Promoter Localization and Gene Functional Characterization;牛Sry基因核心启动子定位及其基因功能研究 14.The Function of Sperm-mediated Transgene of Sry in Sex Determination in Mouse;精子介导Sry转基因对小鼠性别决定的作用 15.Effects of Sry Silencing on Mouse Embryos Sex Determination Ge...
(byg) mutation. Thebygmutation is an A to T transversion that introduces a premature stop codon in the gene encoding mitogen-activated protein kinase (Mapk) kinase kinaseMap3k4(also known asMekk4). On the C57BL/6J background, E11.5byg/byggonads show impaired growth and a dramatic ...
determining region of Y-chromosome (Sry) is the mammalian Y-chromosomal testis-determining gene. It is bound up with sex determination. In this paper, we consider issues related to Sry structure and function, its expression and regulation, and relevant molecular mechanisms of sex determinatio...
Brown S, Yu C, Lanzano P, Heller D, Thomas L, Warburton D et al (1998) A de novo mutation (Gln2Stop) at the 5’ end of the SRY gene leads to sex reversal with partial ovarian function. Am J Hum Genet 62: 189–192 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Dörk T, Stuhrmann M,...
GeneNumber=c(go_BP$Count, go_CC$Count, go_MF$Count), type=factor(c(rep("biological process",10), rep("cellular component",10),rep("molecular function",10)),levels=c("molecular function","cellular component","biological process"))) ...